On September 16, local time, President Xi Jinping attended the 22nd meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Member States at the Samarkand International Conference Center and delivered an important speech.

Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Xueren

  China News Agency, Samarkand, September 16 (Reporter Guo Jinchao) On September 16, local time, Chinese President Xi Jinping attended the 22nd meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Member States at the Samarkand International Conference Center.

  President Mirziyoyev of Uzbekistan, the rotating presidency of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, presided over the meeting. The members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Kazakh President Tokayev, Kyrgyz President Zaparov, Tajikistan President Rahmon, India Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Prime Minister Shabazz of Pakistan, Belarusian President Lukashenko of the observer country, Iranian President Raisi, Mongolian President Khuri Sukh, and the guest of the presidency Turkmenistan President Shcherdar Berdymukhamedo Azerbaijani President Aliyev, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and representatives of relevant international and regional organizations attended the meeting.

On September 16, local time, President Xi Jinping attended the 22nd meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Member States at the Samarkand International Conference Center and delivered an important speech.

This is a group photo of all participants before the large-scale talks.

Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Tao

  Xi Jinping delivered an important speech at the meeting entitled "Grasp the Trend of the Times and Strengthen Unity and Cooperation to Create a Better Future".

  Xi Jinping pointed out that this year marks the 20th anniversary of the signing of the SCO Charter and the 15th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Long-term Good-Neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation among member states.

Taking these two programmatic documents as the ideological cornerstone and action guide, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization has gradually successfully explored a new path for the growth of a new type of international organization, and accumulated and formed a series of important and enlightening successful experiences, namely, insisting on political mutual trust and mutual benefit. Cooperation, adhere to equal treatment, adhere to openness and inclusiveness, adhere to fairness and justice.

These five experiences fully embody the "Shanghai Spirit" of mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality, consultation, respect for diverse civilizations, and seeking common development.

Practice has shown that the "Shanghai Spirit" is the vitality for the development and growth of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and it is also the fundamental principle that the Shanghai Cooperation Organization must adhere to for a long time.

We have achieved great success in practicing the "Shanghai Spirit" in the past, and we will continue to uphold the "Shanghai Spirit" in the future.

  Xi Jinping emphasized that at present, the world is undergoing profound changes unseen in a century, and the world is entering a new period of turbulence and change.

Human society is standing at a crossroads and facing unprecedented challenges.

Under the new situation, the SCO, as an important constructive force in international and regional affairs, must have the courage to face the changing international situation, firmly grasp the trend of the times, continuously strengthen solidarity and cooperation, and promote the building of a closer SCO community with a shared future.

  First, increase mutual support.

Both sides should strengthen high-level exchanges and strategic communication, deepen mutual understanding and political mutual trust, support each other's efforts to safeguard security and development interests, jointly oppose interference in other countries' internal affairs under any pretext, and firmly control the future and destiny of the country in their own hands.

  Second, expand security cooperation.

All parties are welcome to participate in the implementation of the global security initiative, uphold the concept of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security, and promote the building of a balanced, effective and sustainable security architecture.

Strictly crack down on the "three evil forces", drug smuggling, cyber and transnational organized crime, and effectively respond to non-traditional security challenges such as data security, biosecurity, and outer space security.

China is willing to train 2,000 law enforcement officers for member states in the next five years, establish a China-Shanghai Cooperation Organization training base for counter-terrorism professionals, and strengthen the building of law enforcement capabilities of all parties.

  Third, deepen practical cooperation.

China is willing to work with all parties to promote global development initiatives to take root in the region and help countries achieve sustainable development.

It is necessary to implement the statements adopted at this summit on maintaining international energy security and food security.

China will provide 1.5 billion yuan worth of food and other emergency humanitarian aid to developing countries in need.

It is necessary to implement the cooperation documents in the fields of trade and investment, infrastructure construction, supply chain maintenance, technological innovation, artificial intelligence, etc., and continue to strengthen the connection between the joint construction of the "Belt and Road" initiative with the development strategies of various countries and regional cooperation initiatives.

Next year, the Chinese side will hold the SCO Development Cooperation Ministerial Meeting, the Industrial Chain and Supply Chain Forum, establish the China-Shanghai Cooperation Organization Big Data Cooperation Center, and create a new engine for common development.

China is willing to cooperate with all parties in the space field, and support all parties in agricultural development, connectivity construction, disaster reduction and relief and other undertakings.

  Fourth, strengthen people-to-people and cultural exchanges.

It is necessary to deepen cooperation in fields such as education, science and technology, culture, health, media, radio and television, continue to do well in brand activities such as youth exchange camps, women's forums, non-governmental friendship forums, and traditional medicine forums, and support non-governmental organizations such as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Good-Neighborliness and Friendship Cooperation Committee to play a role. should work.

China will build a China-Shanghai Cooperation Organization Ice and Snow Sports Demonstration Zone, hold a forum on poverty reduction and sustainable development, and a sister city forum next year. In the next three years, 2,000 cataract surgeries and 5,000 human resources training places will be provided free of charge for the people of the SCO countries. .

  Fifth, uphold multilateralism.

We must firmly safeguard the international system with the United Nations at the core and the international order based on international law, promote the common values ​​of all mankind, and abandon zero-sum games and group politics.

It is necessary to expand exchanges between the organization and the United Nations and other international and regional organizations, adhere to genuine multilateralism, improve global governance, and work together to promote the development of the international order in a more just and reasonable direction.

  Xi Jinping emphasized that maintaining peace and development in the Eurasian continent is the common aspiration of all countries in the region and the world, and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization shoulders important responsibilities for this.

Promoting the development and expansion of the organization and exerting its positive influence will inject positive energy and create new vitality for the maintenance of lasting peace and common prosperity in the Eurasian continent and the world.

China supports the expansion of staff in an active and prudent manner, seizes opportunities, builds consensus, deepens cooperation, and jointly creates a bright future for the Eurasian continent.

  Xi Jinping pointed out that since the beginning of this year, China has insisted on coordinating epidemic prevention and control with economic and social development, which has not only protected people's lives and health to the greatest extent, but also stabilized the fundamentals of economic and social development to the greatest extent.

China's economy is resilient, has ample potential, has wide room for manoeuvre, and its long-term positive fundamentals will not change. It will provide strong momentum for the stabilization and recovery of the world economy and provide broader market opportunities for other countries.

In another month, we will hold the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China to comprehensively summarize the major achievements and valuable experiences of China's reform and development, fully grasp the new requirements for the development of China's cause in the new era and new journey, and the new expectations of the people, and formulate actions. Program and general policy.

We will persist in realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation through Chinese-style modernization, continue to actively promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind, bring new opportunities to the world with China's new development, and contribute wisdom and strength to world peace and development and the progress of human civilization.

  Xi Jinping finally emphasized that although the road is long, the journey will come.

Let us vigorously carry forward the "Shanghai Spirit", promote the steady and long-term development of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and jointly build a beautiful homeland of peace, stability, prosperity and beauty.

  Leaders of member states signed and issued the Samarkand Declaration of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

The meeting issued a number of statements and documents on maintaining international food security, international energy security, addressing climate change, maintaining the security, stability and diversification of supply chains, signed a memorandum on Iran's obligations to join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and started the process of accepting Belarus as a member state , approved Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, agreed to Bahrain, Maldives, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Myanmar as new dialogue partners, approved a series of resolutions such as the implementation outline for the next five years of the Treaty of Good-Neighborliness, Friendship and Long-term Cooperation among member states.

The meeting decided that India would take over the rotating presidency of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization from 2022 to 2023.

  Ding Xuexiang, Yang Jiechi, Wang Yi and others attended the meeting.
