Xinhua News Agency, Samarkand, Uzbekistan, September 16 (Reporter Fan Weiguo and Liu Hua) On September 16 local time, President Xi Jinping attended the 22nd meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Member States at the Samarkand International Conference Center Small talk.

  President of Uzbekistan Mirziyoyev presided over the meeting, SCO member states Russian President Vladimir Putin, Kazakhstan President Tokayev, Kyrgyz President Zaparov, Tajikistan President Rahmon, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Pakistani Prime Minister Shabazz participated and exchanged views on the development of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and major international and regional issues involving the regional political and economic situation.

  At around 9:55 a.m. local time, Xi Jinping and leaders of the SCO member states arrived at the Samarkand International Conference Center one after another, and were warmly welcomed by President Mirziyoyev.

  Leaders of the SCO member states took a group photo, and then held small-scale talks.

  In his speech, Xi Jinping spoke highly of Uzbekistan's active efforts and important contributions in preparing for the Samarkand Summit and other activities and promoting the development of the organization during its rotating presidency.

  Xi Jinping pointed out that over the past 20 years since its establishment, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization has always held high the banner of the "Shanghai Spirit", and has gradually successfully explored a new type of international organization's growth path, accumulating and forming a series of inspiring and important experiences.

  To cultivate political mutual trust.

Adhering to the concept of friendship from generation to generation and eternal peace among member states, respect each other's core interests and development paths chosen, and support all parties in achieving peace, stability, development and revitalization.

To carry out mutually beneficial cooperation.

To accommodate each other's interests and demands, adhere to the principle of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, strengthen the alignment of development strategies, and always take the road of mutual benefit and common prosperity.

Treat each other as equals.

Advocate that all countries, big or small, should be equal, follow the principle of consensus through consultation, consult more when there is a problem, and do not use the big to bully the small or the strong to bully the weak.

To advocate openness and inclusiveness.

It advocates the harmonious coexistence and mutual learning of different countries, ethnic groups and cultures, advocates dialogue among civilizations, seeks common ground while reserving differences, and is willing to establish partnerships and develop mutually beneficial cooperation with more like-minded countries and international organizations.

  Xi Jinping stressed that the world today is not peaceful.

The game competition between the two policy orientations of unity and division, cooperation and confrontation has become increasingly prominent.

This not only impacts world peace and stability, but also is not conducive to the long-term development of the region.

Faced with the complex situation, we must follow the direction of the organization's development, deepen cooperation in various fields, and continue to create a favorable environment for the development and revitalization of member states.

  Xi Jinping proposed to focus on promoting the following work.

  First, insist on promoting the "Shanghai Spirit" and consolidate unity and cooperation.

It is necessary to stick to the original mission of the organization, enhance mutual trust, and work together to cope with complex changes in the external environment.

We should continue to support each other on issues concerning each other's core interests and major concerns, and become a strong backing for each other's development and revitalization.

  The second is to adhere to strategic independence and maintain regional stability.

It is necessary to advocate a common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security concept, and resist any attempt to create camp confrontation and undermine regional stability.

Based on the needs of regional national security, enhance consensus on security cooperation, and work together to maintain long-term peace and stability in the region.

Improve the level of the organization's law enforcement and security cooperation, and strictly prevent terrorist and extremist forces from disrupting regional security.

  The third is to adhere to inclusiveness and inclusiveness and promote development cooperation.

It is necessary to actively promote the liberalization and facilitation of trade and investment, maintain the stability and smoothness of the industrial chain and supply chain, promote the orderly flow of resources and elements, and realize the integrated development of regional economies.

Strengthen the joint construction of the "Belt and Road" initiative with the development strategies of various countries and other regional integration initiatives to stimulate the vitality of economic growth in various countries.

  The fourth is to insist on promoting the process of staff expansion and improve the construction of organizational mechanisms.

More and more countries are applying to join the "SCO Family", which fully shows that the cooperation concept of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and its development prospects are widely optimistic.

We must seize the opportunity, step up our work, continuously expand the cooperation team of the organization, and strengthen the effective force for safeguarding international fairness and justice.

  Xi Jinping stressed that the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is about to be held to comprehensively draw a blueprint for China's development in the next stage.

No matter how the international situation changes, China will always adhere to peaceful development, open development, cooperative development and common development, and regard the Shanghai Cooperation Organization as a priority in its diplomacy.

  Wang Yi attended the above activities.