Regarding the state funeral of former Prime Minister Abe on the 27th of this month, Chief Cabinet Secretary Matsuno announced at a press conference that it was expected that Prime Minister Han Duk-soo would attend from South Korea.

Regarding the state funeral of former Prime Minister Abe, in light of the many condolences expressed from overseas, the government has sent out information to dignitaries from various countries and is working to ascertain their intentions to attend.

Chief Cabinet Secretary Matsuno announced at a press conference after the Cabinet meeting that South Korean Prime Minister Han Duk Soo is expected to attend.

In addition, Emir Tamim of Qatar, President Wickremesinghe of Sri Lanka, former President Sarkozy of France, former President Wolff of Germany, former Prime Minister Renzi of Italy, and former Prime Minister May of the United Kingdom are expected to attend. .

Chief Cabinet Secretary Matsuno said, "Japan also sincerely welcomes these participants and would like to welcome them firmly."

The government will continue to expedite the process of confirming attendees, including foreign dignitaries.