Biden announces the death of Ayman al-Zawahiri, the leader of al-Qaeda terrorist organization

US President Joe Biden announced today the killing of Ayman al-Zawahiri, the leader of al-Qaeda terrorist organization, in a raid carried out by a US "unmanned" aircraft last Saturday in Afghanistan.

Biden added that no one from the al-Zawahiri family was injured in the strike, nor were there any civilian casualties, noting that the intelligence services had located al-Zawahiri earlier this year, stressing that Afghanistan would never again become a safe haven for terrorists.

A senior official in the US administration announced earlier in the day that the United States carried out, over the weekend, a "successful counter-terror operation against an Al-Qaeda target in Afghanistan."

The official, whose name was not revealed, described the target as "important", stressing that no civilians were injured as a result of the operation.

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