Yogurt is one of the most famous food products. It is a food rich in beneficial elements for the body. It is also a meal that is easy to eat anywhere. What are its most prominent benefits?

In this report, published by the Spanish magazine "Psychologia e Minti", the writer Nahum Rubio reviews the most prominent health and nutritional benefits of yogurt.

High content of nutrients

One of the main reasons why yogurt is widely consumed is that it is a meal that is high in nutrients, as it is one of the best sources of calcium, an essential mineral for maintaining healthy bones.

It is also rich in vitamin B12, phosphorous and potassium.

High in protein

Yogurt contains a high percentage of proteins that provide us with energy and help regulate appetite because it increases the production of hormones that make us feel full.

The main benefit of eating protein-rich foods is to increase and maintain muscle mass.

The proteins in yoghurt are of high biological value because they provide a wide variety of amino acids and the basic units for the production of other proteins.

This makes yogurt a staple in any low-protein diet.

Digestive Care

One of the most prominent benefits of yogurt is that it helps in promoting the health of the digestive system, as it is rich in probiotics, which are microorganisms that are beneficial for health.

The more intestinal flora in the intestine, the better the digestion process, with fewer cases of constipation and diarrhea.

Prevention of osteoporosis

Yogurt helps prevent osteoporosis thanks to its high calcium content.

Snack after physical activity

Yogurt provides the body with protein and energy after physical activity, which is of course better than eating a piece of kato after exercise.

How many boxes of yogurt per day?

Some people eat yogurt at almost every meal, but most people eat between 3 and 4 cans per week, each weighing about 170 grams.

In the end, the writer recommends eating at least one box of yogurt per day, and it is better if it is without sugar or any other additives.