
Rostock (dpa / mv) - 381 new corona infections were reported in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania on Tuesday.

That was 177 new infections less than on Tuesday a week ago, as the State Office for Health and Social Affairs (Lagus) announced (as of 4:20 p.m.).

Two other people died from coronavirus infection.

The number of corona deaths in the country rose to 1011.

The incidence fell compared to the previous day by 9.7 to 105.7 new corona infections per 100,000 inhabitants within a week.

A week ago, this figure was reported to be 138.7 across the country.

At 153, the seven-day incidence is currently highest in the Ludwigslust-Parchim district, but there it fell by 54.3 points compared to the previous day.

According to a district spokesman, this is related to the fact that the positive findings from a major corona outbreak in a company were more than a week ago and are therefore no longer part of the seven-day incidence.

In the other regions of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, this important threshold is between 66.8 (Vorpommern-Rügen district) and 133.8 (Schwerin).


The total number of corona infections detected so far in the northeast is 41 067. Around 36 100 people are considered to have recovered.

The number of corona patients treated in clinics is currently 309 - that is 3 more than the day before.

86 corona patients were in intensive care units, 1 more than on Monday.

According to Lagus, 608 063 corona vaccinations have been administered to date.

493 457 people received a first vaccination, 114 606 of them also received the necessary second vaccination.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210504-99-466902 / 2


RKI dashboard

Corona management report

Information about vaccination from the Robert Koch Institute