Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying's regular press conference on December 2, 2020

CCTV reporter: November 29 is the "International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People."

On December 1, the United Nations held a commemorative meeting.

President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory message to the conference.

Secretary-General Guterres urged Israeli and Palestinian leaders to re-engage in meaningful negotiations to create opportunities for regional cooperation and seek a two-state solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

How does China view the current situation between Palestine and Israel?

  Hua Chunying: On December 1, the United Nations held the "International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People" commemorative meeting. President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory message to the meeting.

  We believe that the Palestine issue, as the root problem in the Middle East, is related to regional peace and stability, international fairness and justice, and human conscience and morality.

Realizing Palestine and Israel living side by side and coexisting peacefully is not only the dream of the Palestinian and Israeli people for generations, but also the ardent expectation of the people of the region and the international community.

We believe that the international community should adhere to the correct direction of the "two-state solution" and work hard to promote the Middle East peace process on the basis of relevant UN resolutions and the principle of "land for peace".

  China pays great attention to the Palestinian issue, always upholds international justice and morality, supports the just cause of the Palestinian people to restore their national legal rights, and supports efforts conducive to promoting the peaceful settlement of the Palestinian issue.

As a permanent member of the Security Council and a responsible major country, China is willing to continue to work with the international community to make unremitting efforts for the early realization of a comprehensive, just and lasting settlement of the Palestinian issue, and to make positive contributions to the early realization of peace, stability and development in the Middle East. .

  Under the current situation, the international community should pay more attention to the severe challenges posed by the new crown pneumonia epidemic to Palestine and help the Palestinian people fight the epidemic.

China has and will continue to provide Pakistan with assistance in fighting the epidemic.

Bloomberg News: US President-elect Biden told The New York Times that he will not take any action immediately on the first phase of the China-US economic and trade agreement, and will consult with key allies to comprehensively review the US policy toward China.

How does China respond to this?

  Hua Chunying: Regarding Sino-US economic and trade issues, China has repeatedly stated that the essence of Sino-US economic and trade cooperation is mutual benefit and win-win results.

China has always maintained that some issues arising in the bilateral economic and trade relations should be properly resolved in the spirit of mutual respect and consultation on an equal footing.

Phoenix TV reporter: A few days ago, Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in the United States, said that the medical system in some areas of the United States is on the verge of collapse. By the end of this year, the number of deaths in the United States may exceed 300,000.

Some media said that in the coming period, the global epidemic, including the United States, will face the most dangerous and darkest "cold winter".

What is China's comment?

  Hua Chunying: Seeing these news, especially these shocking figures, I feel very heavy.

We sympathize with the current plight of the American people, and express our condolences and sympathy to them.

  Since the outbreak of the epidemic, the Chinese government has adhered to the people's supremacy and life supremacy, mobilizing all resources, scientific prevention and control, and precise measures to effectively contain the epidemic.

At the same time, we have actively promoted international anti-epidemic cooperation, carried out the largest global humanitarian action in the history of New China, provided anti-epidemic assistance to more than 150 countries and international organizations, and effectively guaranteed the production and supply of global anti-epidemic materials. .

As far as I know, as of November 22, China has exported a total of about 39.43 billion masks, about 800 million pairs of surgical gloves, about 650 million sets of protective clothing, and about 46.762 million pairs of goggles to the United States. Only one mask is equivalent. Every American gets about 120 masks made in China.

Including academician Zhong Nanshan, Professor Zhang Wenhong and other top Chinese experts, as well as medical workers, non-governmental organizations and other American colleagues, they have organized many experience sharing video conferences, web seminars, infection prevention and control experts and clinicians video connections and other forms Sharing prevention and control and diagnosis and treatment experience with the United States.

Many provinces, cities, enterprises, and organizations in China also actively donated medical supplies to the United States.

Chinese and American pharmaceutical companies and people in the scientific and technological circles also maintain communication and cooperation in vaccine and drug research and development.

  The new crown pneumonia epidemic warns the world in a special form that mankind is a community with a shared future. No country can stand alone in the face of major crises. Only solidarity and cooperation can overcome the difficulties.

Only when every country is safe, the earth is safe; only the last country out of the epidemic can the global fight against the epidemic be considered a final victory.

China is willing to continue to carry out epidemic prevention and control cooperation with countries around the world, including the United States, and provide support and assistance within its capacity; strengthen macroeconomic policy coordination, help resume work and resume production, and promote world economic recovery; actively support the World Health Organization in playing a key leadership role, Promote the improvement of global public health governance to better respond to similar crises that may arise in the future.

  You just mentioned that the global epidemic will usher in a "cold winter". What I want to say is, when winter comes, can spring be far behind?

As President Xi Jinping pointed out at this year's UN General Assembly, the courage, determination, and care shown by mankind in the face of major disasters will illuminate the darkest moment, and the epidemic will eventually be overcome by mankind.

As long as all countries really join hands, work together and move forward side by side, they will surely usher in the ultimate victory in the fight against the epidemic.

"Beijing Youth Daily" reporter: Yesterday, China's Chang'e-5 probe successfully landed on the moon.

Saveliev, the head of the Russian National Aerospace Corporation responsible for international cooperation affairs, congratulated this and wished China a successful lunar sample return mission.

On the same day, the European Space Agency also congratulated China on social media.

what opinions do the Chinese have on this issue?

  Hua Chunying: These days, many people in China are like me, closely following the trajectory of the Chang'e-5 spacecraft and traveling in space with the Chang'e-5 probe.

We are grateful for the best wishes from Russia, Europe and other space agencies.

The Chang'e-5 probe has successfully landed on the moon on December 1 and will carry out follow-up work.

This is a historic step for China to explore outer space, and it is also a historic step for China to cooperate with the international community in the peaceful use of outer space.

  I noticed that from the very beginning, the lunar exploration mission of the Chang'e-5 probe has received extensive attention and support from the international community.

The European Space Agency praised the mission on social media for three consecutive days, and said, "I wish the mission a success! See you on the way home!" Relevant agencies, experts, media and many netizens in Russia, the United States, Canada, France and many other countries are right. China’s lunar exploration mission has given high attention and positive comments, believing that this mission will open a new chapter in the automatic sampling of the moon and bring the samples back to the earth, which is of revolutionary significance for increasing man’s understanding of the history of the moon.

  What I want to emphasize is that China has always been committed to the peaceful use of outer space, actively carrying out relevant international exchanges and cooperation, and sharing the achievements of space development.

China will continue to promote international cooperation in an open and inclusive manner in the spirit of working for the welfare of all mankind, and promote the exploration and use of outer space.

Let us look forward to it, the Chang'e-5 probe will return home safely!

Indian Broadcasting Corporation reporter: On November 30, India hosted the first meeting of the Council of Heads of Government (Prime Ministers) of the member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

China believes that in the past three years, especially during India’s presidency of the Council of Heads of Governments (Prime Ministers) of the SCO member states, what initiatives has India put forward for the SCO?

  Hua Chunying: The Shanghai Cooperation Organization achieved its first expansion in 2017, accepting India and Pakistan as member states.

Over the past few years, the new member states have vigorously promoted the "Shanghai Spirit", and put forward constructive proposals on deepening cooperation in the fields of politics, security, economy, trade, and humanities, and put them into practice, pushing the SCO to play a role in safeguarding regional security and promoting common development. A positive effect.

A few days ago, as you said, India hosted the 19th meeting of the Council of Heads of Government (Prime Ministers) of the SCO member states for the first time.

The meeting was held in video mode. The leaders of participating countries fully exchanged views and reached broad consensus on implementing the results of this year's SCO summit and deepening SCO cooperation in economic and trade, investment and humanities under the situation of the new crown pneumonia epidemic.

All parties spoke highly of the positive results of the meeting and fully affirmed the work of the Indian side in organizing the meeting.

China is willing to strengthen communication and coordination with other member states including India, strengthen the sense of community with a shared future, enhance solidarity and cooperation, and enhance the level of cooperation in the organization, so as to jointly create a new situation in the development of the SCO in the post-epidemic era.

Reuters reporter: It is expected that the U.S. House of Representatives will pass a bill this week requiring some Chinese companies to comply with U.S. auditing standards, or they will be prohibited from listing on the U.S. stock exchange.

What is China's comment?

  Hua Chunying: The issue you mentioned just now shows once again that the United States has adopted discriminatory policies against Chinese companies and politically suppressed Chinese companies.

  In today's highly globalized capital market, the right way to solve the problem is to strengthen dialogue and cooperation on issues such as strengthening cross-border regulatory cooperation and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of investors.

We firmly oppose the politicization of securities supervision.

We hope that the United States can provide a fair, just, and non-discriminatory environment for foreign companies to invest and operate in the United States, rather than trying to set up obstacles.

Indian Broadcasting Corporation reporter: During the visit of Chinese State Councilor and Defense Minister Wei Fenghe to Nepal, Nepal once again promised to China that it would never allow any forces to use Nepal’s territory for anti-China activities.

What is China's comment?

  Hua Chunying: The Chinese side has released information about the visit to Nepal by State Councilor and Minister of Defense Wei Fenghe.

China and Nepal are friendly neighbors linked by mountains and rivers.

This year marks the 65th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

In the fight against the new crown pneumonia epidemic, China and Nepal are in the same boat and help each other, and mutual friendship and mutual trust have been further enhanced.

China is willing to work with Nepal to further strengthen all-round cooperation in various fields, jointly build the "Belt and Road" with high quality, and push bilateral relations to a new level.

  The friendly cooperation between China and Nepal is beneficial to the people of China and Nepal and will not affect any other party.

Bloomberg reporter: NATO recently released a report stating that NATO must spend more time, political resources and actions to deal with the security challenges posed by China.

On Wednesday, NATO foreign ministers will hold a video conference involving China with representatives of Asia-Pacific countries including Japan and Australia.

What is China's comment?

  Hua Chunying: China has taken note of the latest relevant report released by NATO.

Yesterday I responded to the inquiry and elaborated on China’s principled position on this issue.

I want to emphasize once again that China always adheres to peaceful development and win-win cooperation, upholds a common, comprehensive, cooperative, and sustainable security concept, and always pursues a defensive national defense strategy.

China's development has promoted the progress and prosperity of the world, and it has no intention and will not bring threats and challenges to any country.

We hope that NATO can view China's development in an objective, positive and open attitude.

The report stated that NATO is open to developing contacts and cooperation with China.

China is also willing to conduct dialogue and cooperation with NATO on the basis of equality and mutual respect, and make positive contributions to maintaining world peace and stability.

  You mentioned just now that the foreign ministers of NATO countries will hold video conferences with representatives of Japan, Australia and other countries. As I said earlier, China has always followed the path of peaceful development. We hope that all parties concerned will be like China.

I hope they can uphold a correct view of China and do more things that are conducive to promoting world peace and development.

"Global Times" reporter: The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently published a study showing that the new crown virus has appeared in the United States in mid-December last year.

This means that the first case of new coronary pneumonia in the United States may have moved forward for about a month.

In this regard, many Chinese netizens call China the "whistleblower" of the world.

what opinions do the Chinese have on this issue?

  Hua Chunying: For some time, we have seen many reports about the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia epidemic in many places around the world last year.

This also shows once again that the traceability of the new crown virus is a scientific work, and it must be conducted with a very rigorous attitude by scientists to conduct investigations and research around the world.

China has also maintained close communication with the WHO on this.

We hope that other countries can cooperate with the WHO in a positive manner, just like China. The purpose is to make full preparations for preventing and better responding to similar public health crises that may arise in the future.

The Paper: Regarding the crimes committed by Australian military personnel in Afghanistan, Australian leaders stated that their goal is to maintain national values.

Australia has also promoted people with the same values ​​to come forward. A few hours ago, the deputy spokesperson of the US State Department claimed to support Australia, accusing China of "fabricating pictures" and "spreading false information."

The deputy spokesperson also attacked China's "human rights violations" in Xinjiang, and they have consistently promoted the need to uphold human rights.

What comment does China have on their actions?

  Hua Chunying: Yesterday and the day before yesterday, I fully expounded China's views on this issue.

Frankly speaking, I didn’t want to say anything more about this issue, but now that the Deputy Spokesperson of the US State Department and the Australian side have emphasized their values ​​together, accused China of “fabricating” pictures, and arbitrarily criticizing China’s Xinjiang policy, Then I still need to emphasize the fact again.

  First of all, what is circulating on the Internet is not a photo, not a “fake photo”, but a computer illustration created by a young painter, based on the facts reported by the Australian media and published by the Australian Ministry of Defense.

If this painting makes some people in Australia unbearable, then the facts shown in the relevant photos and videos you see on the Internet will be even more creepy (show pictures and reports).

The Australian media "Four Corners" reported that such photos were displayed.

In addition, there are some details in the investigation report of the Australian Ministry of Defence, such as: "A lot of people (sometimes women and children) were killed; when the special forces left, these people and boys were found dead, shot in the head, or His eyes were cut. Two 14-year-old boys had their throats cut... In order to cover up the scene, they put the bodies of the two 14-year-old boys into a bag and threw them into a nearby river."

  Second, Australia stated that its goal is to maintain national values.

I would like to ask: What are the values ​​that Australia wants to maintain?

Does the publicly disclosed crimes committed by some Australian soldiers in Afghanistan conform to Australian values?

Some Australian soldiers kill innocent people indiscriminately, but do not allow others to comment and criticize. Does this conform to Australian values?

On the one hand, fabricating facts out of thin air, attacking and discrediting others, on the other hand not allowing others to comment on the bad and wrong things that they have done. Does this conform to Australian values?

If you have clearly done wrong or bad things, but refuse to accept criticism from others, or even raking in the ground, making unreasonable troubles, how can you make people believe that you truly know your mistakes and will really correct them?

  I have noticed that some people in the world have already pointed out: What is the reason for their anger?

Is it a photo?

Of course not. What they are really annoyed is: How can the Chinese have the right to point out or comment on the bad things they have done.

They tried their best to promote their values ​​"democracy, human rights and freedom", but what they did was either a blasphemy of democracy, human rights and freedom, or a typical hypocrisy and double standard.

  As for your mention of the US Deputy Spokesperson of the State Department accusing China of "violating human rights" in Xinjiang, China has repeatedly stated the truth.

Today I can briefly reiterate: The so-called "human rights violation" or "persecution of ethnic minorities" in Xinjiang is a "century lie" concocted by some extreme anti-China forces, and Australia and the United States have played a very disgraceful role in it.

A typical example is that the Australian Institute of Strategic Policy fabricated the so-called "evidence" and threw out sensational lies again and again, which has long been exposed by facts.

A recent press conference held in Xinjiang showed the so-called "concentration camps" accused by the Australian Institute of Strategic Policy.

The allegations are very absurd.

The so-called "Recording the Detention System in Xinjiang" report issued by the Australian Institute of Strategic Policy refers to buildings with external walls as "detention centers," but these are actually civil institutions.

For example, the building alleged to be a "detention center" in Turpan is actually a local administrative agency.

The buildings alleged to be Kashgar "detention centers" are actually civil institutions such as schools, logistics centers, and nursing homes, which are marked (show pictures) on maps such as Google and Baidu.

According to Australian media reports, the US State Department funded the Australian Institute of Strategic Policy Research of 1.37 million Australian dollars in the past fiscal year, a year-on-year increase of 367%. This money was all used for anti-China projects.

  Some people in the US and Australian officials keep accusing China of these lies and fallacies as unreasonable and substandard.

I hope they can uphold an objective and rational attitude, have self-knowledge and the wisdom of knowing others.

It is hoped that all parties can continue to enhance mutual understanding, correctly understand each other, and treat each other as partners instead of opponents as much as possible.

But the bottom line that needs to be adhered to is not to spread rumors and slander.

When they say they oppose the spread of false information, they should set an example to the world and prove that they are not spreading false information about China.

Reuters reporter: After listening to the Australian Ministry of Defence report you mentioned on Monday, I went to read this report. Is it on page 120?

This is the situation and details reported by some Australian soldiers anonymously to a sociologist at the University of Australia, which is recorded in the report.

As a result, the Ministry of National Defense launched an investigation, and later released its conclusion which clearly stated who was killed in which year, but did not involve the above details.

What do you think?

  Hua Chunying: It seems that you have carefully studied the relevant report.

The Australian Ministry of Defence released this investigation report, and the commander of the Australian Defence Force held a special press conference on this. Many Australian media reported and responded to this.

More than 20 Australian soldiers killed 39 civilians in Afghanistan. This is a confirmed fact.

There are some related pictures and videos (show pictures) online.

I saw an Australian soldier confessing and atonement for those comrades who killed Afghan civilians on TV.

As for the details, you should also note that the report itself is abridged.

If you are particularly interested, you can ask the Australian military.

As for those who exposed this incident, it is reported that they are now under pressure from the Australian government and are facing a lot of trouble.

I have also noticed that some Australians have called for his protection online.

These facts are very clear.

Bloomberg News: The US-China Economic and Security Evaluation Committee issued a nearly 600-page report.

The report called on the United States to continue to require China to provide equal access opportunities for enterprises and media, to more strictly monitor China's activities in the United Nations, and to adopt preventive measures to protect US technology and financial interests.

How does the Ministry of Foreign Affairs comment on this?

  Hua Chunying: The so-called committee you mentioned has always been full of ideological prejudice against China, and it has frequently concocted various reports to smear China, and it has no factual basis.

Some people in the United States are obsessed with the Cold War and zero-sum game thinking and cannot extricate themselves from it. Everywhere they look is conspiracy, trap, and threat.

This is not a good thing for the United States itself, Sino-US relations, and the world.

We hope that relevant people in the United States will abandon the Cold War zero-sum game thinking and ideological prejudice, stop making groundless accusations against China, and stop using words and deeds that harm China's interests and Sino-US relations.

CCTV reporter: We have noticed that China and Pacific island countries held the second special meeting at the deputy foreign minister level in response to the epidemic.

Could you please introduce the outcome of the meeting?

What measures will China and Pacific island countries take to deal with the epidemic in the next stage?

  Hua Chunying: On November 30th, the second China-Pacific Island Countries’ response to the new crown pneumonia epidemic was successfully held by video.

Vice Foreign Minister Zheng Zeguang and Solomon Islands Foreign and Foreign Minister Manele co-chaired the meeting.

Niue Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Tagrage attended and delivered a speech.

Representatives of China and 10 Pacific island countries that have established diplomatic relations attended the meeting.

  In May of this year, China and Pacific island countries held their first special meeting at the deputy foreign minister level in response to the epidemic.

Since then, the two sides have cooperated closely to promote anti-epidemic cooperation and friendly exchanges in various fields to make new progress, which has effectively safeguarded the life safety and health of people in China and island countries.

After half a year, all countries believe that it is necessary to convene another meeting to take stock of the cooperation between the two sides in the past six months and make plans for the next step in epidemic prevention and control and practical cooperation.

At this meeting, the participating parties informed their respective effectiveness, experience and practices of epidemic prevention and control and resumption of work and production. They exchanged in-depth views on anti-epidemic cooperation, pragmatic cooperation in various fields, cultural and local exchanges, and multilateral coordination, and reached new consensus.

A joint press release was issued at the meeting.

We have released it, you can check it out.

  At this meeting, all parties reiterated that the epidemic is a common threat facing mankind, and international cooperation must be strengthened in response to the epidemic.

It is necessary to continue to support the WHO in playing a leading role in the coordination of the global fight against the epidemic, and clearly oppose words and deeds that politicize, stigmatize, and label the epidemic.

All parties agreed to strengthen coordination and cooperation in international and regional affairs, jointly safeguard international justice, and safeguard multilateralism and the rights and interests of developing countries.

The Pacific island countries reaffirmed their adherence to the one-China principle.

  The Chinese side also notified the next stage of China’s proposals to strengthen cooperation with island countries in the areas of vaccine supply, anti-epidemic cooperation funds, debt suspension, e-commerce, personnel training, and local cooperation.

They highly appreciated the new cooperation measures proposed by China, and believed that they would play an important role in fighting the epidemic and protecting people's livelihood in island countries.

  China will implement the consensus reached at this meeting, coordinate the promotion of cooperation with Pacific island countries in epidemic prevention and control and various fields, and promote the continuous development of China's comprehensive strategic partnership with Pacific island countries.

NHK TV station reporter: According to reports, the Huang Zhifeng case was sentenced this afternoon.

Huang Zhifeng was sentenced to 13.5 months, Zhou Ting was sentenced to 7 months, and Lin Langyan was sentenced to 7 months.

What is China's comment?

  Hua Chunying: I think this is not a diplomatic issue.

Reuters reporter: The United States on Tuesday accused China of "blatantly violating" its international sanctions against North Korea and offered a reward of $5 million for information on evading sanctions.

What is China's comment?

  Hua Chunying: China has repeatedly stated its position on the Security Council's resolutions concerning North Korea.

The goal of the relevant DPRK-related resolutions of the Security Council is to realize the denuclearization of the Peninsula and maintain peace and stability on the Peninsula.

Sanctions are means, and means must serve goals.

Under the current situation, all parties should spend more energy to promote the political settlement of the Peninsula issue and pay more attention to the negative impact of sanctions on North Korea’s humanitarian and people’s livelihood.

The new crown pneumonia epidemic continues to spread. We once again call on the Security Council to start discussions on the “reversible clause” of the resolution as soon as possible, and make necessary adjustments to sanctions, especially the provisions in the field of people’s livelihood, to create conditions for the political settlement of the Peninsula issue.

  As a permanent member of the Security Council and a major responsible country, China has consistently implemented Security Council resolutions and fulfilled its international obligations.

We have actively promoted the political settlement of the Peninsula issue. Even under the epidemic, China has not slackened its efforts.

On the contrary, the United States, letting the domestic epidemic remain high, instead spent so much time and energy engaged in reconnaissance and surveillance, intelligence spying, wantonly slandering other countries for not implementing the resolution, and offering rewards.

We really want to ask the US, what have you done in implementing the political clauses of the resolution?

What have you done to protect the humane and people's livelihood in North Korea?

What have you done in implementing the "reversible clause" of the resolution?

We urge the US to do more things that will help promote the political process of the Peninsula issue, and do less sensationalism.