Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying's regular press conference on December 3, 2020

CCTV reporter: General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out at the 25th collective study on strengthening intellectual property protection in the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee on November 30 that China should deeply participate in global intellectual property governance under the framework of the World Intellectual Property Organization.

What are China's plans or measures for participating in global IP governance in the next step?

  Hua Chunying: The Chinese government attaches great importance to the protection of intellectual property rights. This is first and foremost the need for us to implement the new development concept, build a new development pattern, and promote high-quality development.

In recent years, China has vigorously implemented the innovation-driven development strategy and the intellectual property strategy, and firmly established the concept of "protecting intellectual property rights is protecting innovation" in the whole society.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Chinese government has put the protection of intellectual property rights in a more prominent position.

The "Communiqu" of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China mentioned "science and technology" and "innovation" many times. The "Recommendations" of the plenary session put forward clear requirements for strengthening the protection of intellectual property rights.

  After years of hard work, China's intellectual property protection work has made historic achievements.

In the first 10 months of this year, the number of invention patent applications in China reached 1.232 million, an increase of 11.2% year-on-year. The number of international patent applications received under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) was 55,000, an increase of 23.5% year-on-year, all of which achieved the impact of the epidemic. Growth against the trend.

In the past five years, China has risen to 14th place among the 131 economies in the world in terms of innovation capability.

Technological innovation is becoming the first driving force leading China's development.

  China has also been actively participating in international cooperation in the field of intellectual property, and has made positive contributions to the balanced, inclusive and sustainable development of global intellectual property.

China will adhere to the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind, adhere to the principles of openness, inclusiveness, balance and inclusiveness, continue to strengthen cooperation with the World Intellectual Property Organization and other countries, participate in global intellectual property governance, and jointly promote the development of the global intellectual property governance system in a more just and reasonable direction.

Bloomberg reporter: According to the New York Times, the U.S. government will tighten visa policies for members of the Chinese Communist Party, and the new regulations will take effect on Wednesday.

According to the new regulations, the visa for Chinese Communists to enter the United States will become a single entry with a one-month limitation.

How does China respond to this?

  Hua Chunying: I haven't seen the latest report you mentioned.

It was previously disclosed that the US government may impose restrictions on the entry of Chinese Communists.

The world sees it very clearly that this is an act of some extreme anti-China forces in the United States escalating their political suppression of China out of strong ideological prejudice and deep-rooted Cold War mentality.

China firmly opposes this.

The actions of the U.S. government are completely incompatible with the U.S.'s own interests. It can only further weaken America's self-proclaimed image of openness, freedom, and system advantages in front of the world.

China urges the U.S. government to view China and China’s development in a more rational, calm, and objective manner, and to abandon its hatred and abnormal psychology towards the Chinese Communist Party.

It is hoped that the United States and China will work together to increase their correct understanding of each other through dialogue and communication, and jointly promote the healthy and stable development of Sino-US relations.

Only in this way can it conform to the fundamental and long-term interests of the two peoples and the common expectations of the people of the world.

Reuters reporter: The U.S. Department of Justice stated that more than 1,000 Chinese researchers have left the U.S. since the department launched an operation against "technical theft" in the United States.

The Ministry of Justice also stated that Chinese intelligence personnel have begun contacting the Biden team.

What is China's comment?

  Hua Chunying: For some people in the United States, all they can see is hatred, division and confrontation.

For a period of time, the United States, out of strong ideological prejudice and its strategy of suppressing and containing China, has taken various political suppression actions against China, including many extreme measures in an attempt to disrupt and cut off normal Sino-U.S. cultural exchanges, arbitrary harassment, persecution, and The suppression of experts and scholars in the United States has greatly affected the normal personnel exchanges between China and the United States, as well as cooperation in various fields including science and technology, culture, and education.

Relevant US departments even require regional judicial departments to regularly report on China's "espionage" activities, and at least one to two lawsuits against China each year.

This "presumption of guilt" is absurd.

The actions of the United States are unpopular.

China firmly opposes this.

It is hoped that the US will uphold a rational and objective attitude, correct its mistakes, and create favorable conditions for normal personnel exchanges between the two countries.

The Chinese say that each other is born from the heart.

The United States should abandon its narrow and extreme mentality and not treat everyone as spies.

  China is open-minded and welcomes people from all over the world, including the United States, to come to China for sightseeing, learning, exchanges and cooperation.

We are very confident, very open, and happy to communicate with them.

Why is the United States such a self-proclaimed powerful "democracy" so unconfident in normal exchanges with China?

I hope that relevant people in the US can calm down and think about this issue.

"Global Times" reporter: The US State Department tweeted on the 2nd to attack China's military-civilian integration policy.

On the same day, U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Clark also tweeted that he had written to the board of directors of American universities, pointing out that the so-called CCP poses a serious threat to academic freedom, university endowments, research, and intellectual property rights, and that China’s military-civilian integration Policy is one of the reasons for his letter.

How does China respond to this?

  Hua Chunying: On this issue, China has stated its position many times.

For political purposes, the United States adheres to a narrow Cold War mentality, deliberately highlights ideological factors, frequently publicly misinterprets and discredited China's military-civilian integration development policy, maliciously attacked the Chinese Communist Party, and tried every means to contain China's development.

For this reason, the United States does not hesitate to conduct moral kidnapping, political pressure, and even threats of sanctions against personnel from Chinese and American companies and academic institutions.

China expresses strong dissatisfaction and firm opposition to this.

  Promoting the development of military-civilian integration is a common practice in the international community, including the United States.

The United States’ own history of military-civilian integration can be traced back to before World War I. In recent years, it has accelerated its pace and implemented military-civilian integration in all aspects and in multiple fields.

Some American multinational companies such as Lockheed Martin are themselves "military-civilian fusion", and their business scope and product types span the military and civilian fields.

The US's unreasonable accusations against China are purely "only state officials are allowed to set fires, and the people are not allowed to light lamps". It is a typical double standard. Its real purpose is nothing more than to create an excuse to promote the high-tech blockade against China.

This approach goes against the spirit of international cooperation and the current trend of the times, and ultimately harms the common interests of China and the United States and all countries in the world.

China urges the US to correct its wrong words and deeds and stop malicious provocations and vicious attacks on China.

Barton News Agency reporter: According to reports, the Afghan government and Taliban representatives reached a preliminary agreement in Doha to continue the peace talks. This is the first agreement between the two parties in 19 years.

What's your opinion?

  Hua Chunying: China welcomes and appreciates the progress made in the Afghan internal negotiations.

It is the long-cherished wish of the Afghan people to achieve peace and stability as soon as possible. After so many years of war in Afghanistan, the Afghan people deserve a more peaceful, stable and better future.

We sincerely hope that the two sides of the Arab peace talks will put national interests and national justice as the top priority, comply with the will of the people, meet each other halfway, and negotiate peace at an early date.

China is willing to continue to work with the international community to play a constructive role in this regard.

Bloomberg reporter: Chinese social platform WeChat deleted an article published on his official account by Australian Prime Minister Morrison, claiming that the content was misleading to netizens.

What is China's comment?

  Hua Chunying: I don't understand what you said.

Your question involves a matter between WeChat and Prime Minister Morrison.

WeChat Company handles related businesses in accordance with its rules.

Shenzhen Satellite TV reporter: Recently, the US State Department held a telephone briefing through the Asia-Pacific Media Center in Manila, Philippines, saying that the Chinese fishing team caused serious IUU problems in the Pacific, which is the so-called "illegal, unreported, unregulated ocean fishing." The "culprit" of the problem is plundering the basic livelihood resources of the countries in the region, threatening the stability, food and economic development of the relevant countries, and the basic international order.

What is China's comment?

  Hua Chunying: For some time, the U.S. State Department has become a lie maker and a spreader of rumors. What you mentioned is only one of a series of lies produced and spread by the U.S. State Department.

  China is a responsible fishery country, adheres to the path of green and sustainable development, is committed to scientific conservation and sustainable use of fishery resources, and promotes the sustainable development of global fisheries.

We will implement "zero tolerance" for violations of regulations and laws by ocean-going fishing vessels, maintain close communication and cooperation with countries in the region for a long time, and are committed to maintaining the order of marine fishery production and the marine ecological environment.

  China strictly fulfills its obligations under the "United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea" and the multilateral fisheries agreements it has joined.

Fully fulfill the obligations of the flag state, implement port state measures, implement strict ocean fishery supervision, strengthen international cooperation, and have done a lot of fruitful work in jointly combating illegal fishing and promoting the sustainable development of fishery resources.

China’s fishery management practices are completely consistent with the requirements of international law.

China strictly follows the management measures of relevant regional fisheries organizations to enter fish in relevant high seas areas, and measures such as ship position monitoring are stricter than international standards. The performance of the contract has been well received by all fishery organizations.

China also enters fisheries in its exclusive economic zone in accordance with bilateral arrangements with relevant coastal countries, and has achieved good economic and social benefits.

  Recently, the Chinese competent authority issued the "White Paper on China's Offshore Fisheries Performance (2020)", which comprehensively introduced China's offshore fishery management principles, policies and measures, and the effectiveness of compliance.

  Facts speak louder than words.

The US accusations are completely inconsistent with facts and misinterpreted international law and relevant multilateral fisheries agreements.

The U.S. politicized the IUU issue and interfered with global efforts to combat IUU. It also does not help protect the marine environment and promote international cooperation in sustainable fisheries.

We urge the US to stop spreading rumors on relevant issues, not to engage in political manipulation, and not to sow discord in the world.

Central Radio reporter: Yesterday, China and Russia held the 25th regular meeting between Chinese and Russian prime ministers.

What is the significance of the meeting to the development of China-Russia relations under the current situation?

  Hua Chunying: On December 2, Premier Li Keqiang and Russian Prime Minister Mishustin co-hosted the 25th regular meeting between Chinese and Russian prime ministers via video.

The meeting was very successful.

The two parties comprehensively reviewed and summarized the fruitful results of China-Russia cooperation in anti-epidemic, economic and trade, investment, energy, humanities and other fields over the past year, and made strategic plans for actively expanding and opening up new areas of cooperation and improving the level of cooperation.

After the meeting, the two prime ministers jointly announced the adoption of the "Joint Communiqué of the 25th Regular Meeting between the Chinese and Russian Prime Ministers."

  China and Russia are comprehensive strategic cooperative partners.

Since the beginning of this year, the two sides have overcome the impact of the epidemic and promoted the stable development of bilateral relations. President Xi Jinping and President Putin have spoken four times, playing an important strategic leading role in bilateral relations. The two sides support each other in fighting the epidemic, and political mutual trust continues to deepen. We firmly support each other on issues of core interests and major concerns, strategic collaboration has become closer, and mutually beneficial cooperation in various fields has demonstrated strong resilience.

  China attaches great importance to the China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination.

Both parties have a strong political will to further strengthen strategic cooperation, coordinate the fight against the epidemic and pragmatic cooperation under the current conditions of normalization of epidemic prevention and control, and at the same time strengthen strategic communication on major international and regional issues, and work together to enable the development of China-Russia relations to help each other National development has also made greater contributions to world peace, stability and security.

China News Service: According to reports, Australian Defense Minister Reynolds said on Tuesday that Australia will jointly develop hypersonic missiles with the United States to counter the threat posed by China and Russia, which are developing similar weapons.

What is China's comment?

  Hua Chunying: China has noticed the relevant report.

In recent years, the United States has taken the lead in the development of hypersonic weapons, which has directly led to the intensification of the arms race of such weapons, and has seriously affected global strategic stability.

Australia closely follows the pace of the United States, inventing the so-called "China threat theory" and "Russian threat theory" to find excuses for its expansion of arms, adding instability to regional and global security. China is concerned about this.

  China has always pursued a defensive national defense policy, and the development of military power is not directed at any specific country.

We do not have a global combat strategy and plan like the United States, nor do we intend to target Australia, let alone an arms race with other countries.

  China urges Australia to objectively assess its own security interests and do more things that are conducive to enhancing mutual trust between countries in the region and promoting regional security and stability, rather than the opposite.

Barton News Agency reporter: At the 11th International Infrastructure Investment and Construction Summit Forum held in Macau, the chairman of the Pakistan China-Pakistan Economic Corridor Affairs Bureau stated that infrastructure construction is the key to reviving the labor market and national economy.

He also said that many major projects under the corridor are progressing as scheduled.

How does China respond to this?

  Hua Chunying: The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is an important pilot project of the “Belt and Road” initiative. It has made significant positive progress in the past seven years.

In the previous stage, the achievements of the corridor were mainly concentrated in the fields of transportation infrastructure and energy. A large number of road and power station projects were completed, which created a large number of employment opportunities, which obviously stimulated the economic growth of relevant areas in Pakistan, benefited the Pakistani people, and was warmly welcomed by the Pakistani people. Positive comments.

Since the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, the corridor projects have insisted on no withdrawal, no layoffs, and no suspension of work, providing strong support for Pakistan to fight the epidemic and stabilize the economy.

At present, the two sides are actively preparing for the 10th meeting of the corridor joint committee to plan the direction of the future corridor construction.

  The governments of China and Pakistan attach great importance to the corridor project.

China is willing to work together with Pakistan to fully implement the important consensus reached by the leaders of the two countries. On the basis of building and operating existing projects, we will further focus on cooperation in the fields of social and people’s livelihood, industry and agriculture, and build the corridor into a “Belt and Road” Demonstration projects for high-quality development will better benefit the people of the two countries and even regional countries.

Reuters reporter: This Wednesday, the United States banned the import of cotton and cotton products from Xinjiang on the grounds that Xinjiang forced Uighur Muslims to work. What's your comment on this?

Will there be a counterattack?

  Hua Chunying: China has stated its solemn position on relevant issues before.

Some US politicians fabricated so-called "forced labor" false news, with the purpose of restricting and suppressing relevant parties and enterprises in China and containing China's development.

The actions of the United States violate international trade rules, violate the principles of market economy, destroy the global industrial chain and supply chain, and harm the interests of enterprises and consumers in various countries, including the United States, which are typical behaviors that harm others and disadvantage themselves.

We urge individual US politicians to respect basic facts and stop using Xinjiang-related issues to interfere in China's internal affairs.

China will continue to take necessary measures to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of relevant Chinese parties and enterprises.

  It must be pointed out that helping people of all ethnic groups achieve stable employment and "forced labor" are completely two concepts.

The International Labor Organization’s "Forced Labor Convention" defines "forced labor" as "all labor or services that are not voluntarily performed by any person under the threat of any punishment."

Workers of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang choose occupations according to their own wishes, and sign "labor contracts" with enterprises in accordance with the principle of equality and voluntariness, and will not be discriminated against due to differences in ethnicity, gender, or religious beliefs.

Governments at all levels in Xinjiang fully respect the willingness of ethnic minorities to find employment, and provide necessary training for voluntarily registered workers to improve their employment skills.

The "Xinjiang Minority Employment Survey Report" shows that the average willingness of the villagers in the 4 villages to go out to work voluntarily is as high as 86.5%, indicating that ethnic minorities have a strong willingness to go out to work voluntarily.

By the end of 2019, a total of 2,923,200 people had been lifted out of poverty in Xinjiang, and the incidence of poverty dropped from 19.4% in 2014 to 1.24%.

The smiling faces of the people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang after they got rid of poverty and became rich are the best and most powerful response to the U.S. rumors about Xinjiang-related lies.

  On the one hand, individual US politicians claim to care for and protect the rights of ethnic minorities in Xinjiang, but on the other hand they use pressure and sanctions to restrict and suppress Xinjiang’s enterprises and disrupt Xinjiang’s stable development and prosperity. Isn’t this depriving the people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang from legal labor? The right to pursue a better life?

Isn't it necessary to create "forced unemployment" and "forced poverty" in Xinjiang?

Some U.S. politicians have shown unusual "concerns" about China's Xinjiang affairs, but they have turned a blind eye to issues such as inequality in rights of ethnic minorities, high poverty rates, systematic racial discrimination and violent enforcement by judicial and law enforcement agencies.

When it comes to protecting the rights of ethnic minorities, why doesn't the US say "America first"?

CCTV reporter: We noticed yesterday that China announced that President Xi Jinping's special representative, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi will attend the special UN General Assembly on the new crown pneumonia epidemic.

What are China's expectations for this special UN General Assembly?

  Hua Chunying: Since the beginning of this year, the new crown pneumonia epidemic has raged all over the world and has profoundly affected the development of human society.

At present, the new round of the epidemic is coming fiercely, and the tasks of fighting the epidemic, protecting people's livelihood, and stabilizing the economy are even more arduous.

The international community generally expects the United Nations to play a greater role and respond more effectively to the challenges of the epidemic.

In this context, it is of great significance for the United Nations to hold a special UN General Assembly on the epidemic.

China will work with all parties to push the conference to send a positive and powerful signal of upholding multilateralism and uniting to fight the epidemic.

Reuters reporter: The U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill on Wednesday that requires some Chinese companies to comply with U.S. auditing standards or they will be prohibited from listing on the U.S. stock exchange.

What is China's comment?

Will there be a counterattack?

  Hua Chunying: Regarding the passage of the "Foreign Company Accountability Act" by the US House of Representatives, I stated my principled position yesterday.

The US approach is another concrete action of political suppression of Chinese companies, and it is also another concrete manifestation of the US suppression and containment of China's development.

  China always believes that in today's highly globalized capital market, the right way to solve the problem is to strengthen dialogue and cooperation on issues such as strengthening cross-border regulatory cooperation and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of investors.

We firmly oppose the US's practice of politicizing securities supervision.

If the case is finally enacted, it will seriously weaken the confidence of global investors in the U.S. capital market, and will eventually damage the international status of the U.S. capital market and harm the U.S. self-interest.

It is hoped that the United States will recognize the situation and provide a fair, just and non-discriminatory environment for foreign companies to invest and operate in the United States instead of setting up layers of obstacles.

Of course, China will take necessary measures to safeguard its legitimate and lawful rights and interests.

Indian Broadcasting Corporation reporter: First, China plans to build a dam near the China-India Line of Control.

Has China communicated with India and Bangladesh in the downstream basin?

If there is no communication at this stage, when is China going to negotiate with India and Bangladesh?

Second, Chinese researchers previously published an article on the "Lancet" preprint platform, claiming that the new coronavirus may have originated in the South Asian subcontinent, and the article was later removed.

What is China's comment?

  Hua Chunying: Regarding the first question, it is China's legitimate right to develop hydropower in the lower reaches of the Yarlung Zangbo River.

China has always taken a responsible attitude towards the development and utilization of cross-border rivers, and implemented a policy of simultaneous development and protection.

Any project will undergo scientific planning and demonstration, and fully consider the impact on downstream areas, taking into account the interests of upstream and downstream.

At present, the development of the lower reaches of the Yarlung Zangbo River is still in the early stage of planning and demonstration, and there is no need for the outside world to over-interpret this.

  For a long time, China has conducted good cooperation with India and Bangladesh in hydrological flood reporting, flood control and disaster reduction, and emergency response.

China will maintain communication with countries such as India and Bangladesh through existing channels.

  Regarding the second question, we have seen and heard international reports about the time and location of the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia.

Researchers in related fields in various countries are conducting some scientific research.

These have continuously confirmed that virus traceability is a complex scientific issue. Scientists should carry out international scientific research and cooperation on a global scale to promote understanding of the virus's animal host and transmission routes, better prevent future risks that may arise, and protect people in all countries. Life safety and health.

  China will continue to actively participate in global scientific research on virus traceability and transmission routes, and work with all parties to make positive contributions to global virus research and anti-epidemic cooperation.

Follow-up: Will China negotiate with India and Bangladesh on the dam construction plan in the near future?

  Hua Chunying: The relevant projects are still in the preliminary planning and demonstration stage.

China will continue to maintain good communication with India, Bangladesh and other relevant countries through existing channels.