[Global Times Comprehensive Report] According to a report by the BBC on the 5th, Irish surfers Curran and McClowry recently discovered a time capsule from the North Pole on the coast of Donegal County in the country.

After leaving the ice of the Arctic Circle, the capsule made of this metal can floated 4000 kilometers to Ireland on the shore of the Atlantic Ocean.

Data map: Arctic region.

  McClowry told the Donegal Daily that they opened the time capsule carefully.

Based on the contents of the capsule, they determined that the capsule should come from the Russian icebreaker "50 Years of Victory" because it contained a photo of the icebreaker crew and letters related to the icebreaker.

The "50 Years of Victory" can break ice or carry passengers to the North Pole for business trips.

In addition to letters and photos, this time capsule also contains badges, beer pads, bottle corks, and menus.

  McClowry and Curran contacted the writer, Vesta, by mail address.

The latter confirmed that the time capsule did come from people who took the icebreaker "50 Years of Victory" in 2018.

Vesta said that they placed the time capsule in the Arctic ice, thinking it would be discovered many years later.

She was surprised that the capsule was found so early.

Curran said that he thought it would take 30 to 50 years to find the time capsule.

McClowry believes that the rapid discovery of the capsules just shows how fast the ice melts.

(Wang Yi)