Hong Kong to gather with more than 3 people and ban eating and drinking in the store Due to the rapid increase in corona infection July 19 19:51

The Hong Kong government has announced that since the number of new cases of the new coronavirus is increasing rapidly, it will be prohibited from gathering more than 3 people and eating and drinking in all stores from the 29th.

In Hong Kong, infection in the region has been mostly suppressed since May, but this month the infection has spread rapidly from residents of elderly facilities and sailors of foreign ships that were exempted from isolation. I am.

On the 27th, a new daily record of 145 infections was confirmed, and the number of infections in the region exceeded 100 for 6 consecutive days.

In response to that, Parliamentary Vice-Minister Zhang Jianjong, the government's No. 2, announced that he will not be allowed to gather in public places from more than three people from 29th.

It also means that food and drinks are prohibited in all stores.

In addition, it is mandatory to wear a mask in public places, and fines of up to HK$5,000 per person and JPY 68,000 in Japanese yen for violations.

In September this year, the legislative assembly, which is a parliament, is scheduled to hold an election for members of the legislative assembly in Hong Kong, and applications for candidates are being held until the end of this month. It is one after another.

Regarding this, Parliamentary Secretary Zhang said, "There is a high risk that many people will gather in the election, and we will carefully watch the transition of the infection in the future." It is a situation that can affect us.