Hong Kong (AFP)

Hong Kong people will be required to wear the mask in public from Wednesday, authorities said on Monday, unveiling a battery of measures to deal with a new wave of coronavirus cases.

"The epidemic situation is extraordinarily serious in Hong Kong," Deputy Chief Executive Matthew Cheung told reporters, announcing that public gatherings of more than two would be banned, and restaurants would not be allowed. than for take-out.

Mr. Cheung also said that Beijing had agreed to help Hong Kong to build a field hospital to cope with the increase in cases.

The former British colony, very densely populated, was one of the first areas affected by the epidemic after its Chinese focus and initially recorded remarkable results against the coronavirus.

But the contaminations started to rise again a few weeks ago, which led the authorities to order new social distancing measures.

More than a hundred cases have been recorded daily for the past five days, bringing the total of contaminations in the city from 7.5 million inhabitants to 2,600, for 19 deaths.

Hence the decision to further strengthen the measures.

Wearing a mask - already widespread among the population - had become compulsory in public transport and in closed public places. Only take-away was allowed in restaurants in the evening.

“The central government has agreed to help us build a hospital with up to 2,000 beds,” Cheung told reporters.

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