China News Service, June 15th, according to the "European Times" reported that on the 15th local time, all parts of France will open the second round of elections for municipal elections, and then scheduled to vote on the 28th. Affected by the new crown epidemic, the second round of voting is three months away from the first round, and is subject to many restrictions. The situation may be beneficial to the current mayor.

On May 11, local time, France began to gradually "unblock", and the official reminded the public to pay attention to the epidemic. On the same day, the police relaxed the control of the people's travel, and the Champs Elysées in Paris formed a traffic flow. China News Service reporter Li Yangshe

Restricted campaign

  France held the first round of municipal elections on March 15. However, due to the new crown epidemic, the second round of voting originally scheduled for March 22 was postponed.

  According to reports, in order to prevent the spread of the new crown virus, the French government has adopted strict measures for this campaign: do not hold meetings, try not to come to the door, wear masks and maintain social distance.

  At the same time, the campaign will focus on the use of social networks and media. In the "green zone" where the epidemic is mild, candidates can hold public meetings, but the number of people must be limited.

  Up to now, the French new crown has been diagnosed with more than 194,000 cases and nearly 30,000 deaths.

  Bruno Janbat, deputy manager of the polling agency OpinionWay, believes that this election lacks the encouragement and mobilization of previous election campaigns, and that there is no "real campaign", which will dampen voters' enthusiasm for voting.

The situation may benefit the current mayor

  According to reports, the two rounds of previous municipal elections were only a few days apart, and the election campaign generally lasted two weeks. But this time, the current mayor has sufficient time and stage to show himself during the health crisis, which will inevitably affect the second round of voting choices and may also cause people to question the results after the election.

  However, other than that, the rights and obligations of candidates are similar to previous elections: in all cities, posters for candidates are set up outside the polling station, and other places are prohibited from displaying elements related to the election. All the brochures sent by candidates to voters also use the same template.

  From June 8th, TV and radio stations must ensure that candidates and their supporters speak fairly, and relevant data is uploaded to the Senior Audiovisual Committee, which monitors the implementation.