Illustration of the municipal elections in times of coronavirus, here in Lyon during the first round. - KONRAD K./SIPA

Does a second round of municipal elections after the end of the coronavirus epidemic rhyme with absenteeism in free fall? Not easy. At least if we believe an Ifop * survey released on Monday which suggests that less than four French people in ten (38%) plan to vote on June 28 in the second round of municipal elections. A rate even lower than that of the first round ... Participation in the municipalities concerned was 41.8% in the first round, on March 15. Nationally, all municipalities combined, it had dropped to 44.6%, a historically low rate for municipal governments.

29% do not want to vote due to coronavirus

The abstention on June 28 is estimated conversely at 62%, according to this survey for the site carried out from June 9 to 12, just over two weeks before the poll. The second round is to take place in 4,827 municipalities where the municipal council was not fully elected in the first round, out of a total of around 35,000 French municipalities. And around 16.5 million people, or 39% of the electorate, are called to vote. Almost three in ten (29%) who declare that they do not want to vote explain their choice "only by the risks of being affected by the coronavirus" and 35% both by the risks of being infected and by "d" Other reasons ".

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For those who intend on the contrary to go to vote, "the management of the finances and the debt of the city" (69%) will be a determining element of their choice, before the security of goods and people (66%) and cleanliness and city ​​maintenance (65%). Nine out of ten inhabitants (91%) of the municipalities concerned know the date of the election, a rate slightly higher than for the French respondents as a whole (86%).

* Survey conducted online from June 9 to 12 among 3,018 people aged 18 and over, including 1,167 people living in the municipalities where the second round will take place, according to the quota method.


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