The municipal 2020, the evening of the first round in Bordeaux. - UGO AMEZ / SIPA

Deputies and senators have reached an agreement on Monday on the bill to "secure the organization of the second round of municipal elections", we learned from parliamentary sources, the day after the intervention of Emmanuel Macron confirming the holding of the ballot on June 28.

The meeting of the Joint Joint Commission (CMP) was "conclusive", said the president of the Law Commission of the Assembly Yaël Braun-Pivet. Its conclusions must still be approved by both chambers before this text can be definitively adopted. Voting in the Assembly will take place on Tuesday, before the Senate on Thursday.

The text no longer provides for the possible postponement of the second round

In its compromise version, the text notably provides for facilitating proxies by providing for the possibility for the same agent to have two proxies instead of one, said MP Sacha Houlié (LREM), who attended the meeting of the CMP. It no longer provides for the possible postponement of the second round, "as soon as the announcement" of its holding on the 28th was made by the Head of State, continued the deputy. The Senate, a right-wing majority, had removed this possible postponement last week, refusing to legislate "depending on hypothetical circumstances". On the other hand, the text provides for possibilities to cancel it locally in the event of outbreaks of contamination by decree in the Council of State.

With this bill, the government initially intended to protect itself against a possible deterioration of the health situation by allowing if necessary the postponement of the second round, the cancellation of the first round in these 5,000 communes and the organization of "a new two-round ballot (…) at the latest in January 2021 ”. The bill also provides for the postponement until May 2021 of the consular elections which were to be held in May of this year for French nationals established outside France.

Our file on municipal

Recall that, initially scheduled for March 22, the second round of municipal elections was postponed in extremis due to the epidemic. At the end of May, the government fixed the date of June 28 for the 5,000 or so municipalities concerned, representing 16.5 million voters.


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  • Coronavirus
  • Municipal
  • Elections