Anyone who has problems with alcohol, is worried about their habits or has a relative who needs help can turn to the Alcohol Line and get call support.

After the corona virus came to Sweden, Systembolaget saw more customers and increased sales of alcohol. At the same time you can imagine that alcohol sales at taverns decreased.

Different types of calls

The alcohol line has not received more calls, but a different type of call. More relatives hear. It may be that they are quarantined with a partner who has alcohol problems. Or that addiction is detected when both are at home.

- But we also get calls from those who are worried that they cannot travel to a relative who has alcohol problems. The distance may cause concern, says Kerstin Annerborn, manager of the Alcohol Line.

Storm may occur after corona

There are also others who call in and say that they drink alcohol when activities are set and those who have difficulty limiting when working at home. That it becomes easy alcohol not only in the evening - but also for lunch.

- But it is when you go back to your everyday life that you usually discover the problems. We see more calls after holidays and Christmas for example. When it's time to start working again and you feel that you can't really cope with it. Therefore, it is conceivable that more people will hear from the corona, says Kerstin Annerborn.

Telephone number for the Alcohol Line: 020 84 44 48