Police were alerted on 20.09 on Sunday evening. Several residents heard gunshots being fired and one of the callers saw a man with a gun walking around outside. Police went to the scene and were able to arrest the man.

- He was arrested relatively quickly under calm conditions. He had a gun, says Näslund.

Late Sunday evening, police were left at the scene to investigate what had happened.

"Looking for bullets and empty sleeves"

- We are also looking for bullets and empty sleeves to confirm that he has shot. It was not something we saw or heard ourselves, says the RLC commander and continues:

- We have not found any injured person and no one has heard from them. So no one was hurt.

The man is currently under suspicion of serious weapons offense, but more headings may be added. The man has been known by police since time immemorial.

- He appears in our register. Now he will be questioned, says Johan Näslund.