Laila Ali

"After schools are disrupted, mothers are expected to find a cure for the Corona virus within 48 hours," this satirical sentence circulated on social media may explain what mothers suffer from children staying throughout the day at home in conjunction with the disruption of studies due to the spread of this virus.

As a precautionary measure against the spread of the Covid-19 epidemic, many countries have decided to suspend the school year until further notice.

Because of Corona, millions of children were out of school until further notice, and after the World Health Organization classified the "pandemic" virus on March 11, 2020, returning to school and returning to normalcy in homes would probably be delayed a little.

New house routine
From the first moments of the suspension of the study, mothers began to discuss their problems while the children remained at home, and one of them says, “I suffer from the moment I enter the house, everyone is asking about the routine of the new home. Do we do on vacations? ".

On the other side, Hana, 30, who is a mother of two children, says, “From the first hour of school disturbance, I started to hear the words of restlessness, distress and suffering due to the extra free time. Everyone is asking when will we return to school again? In addition to the feelings of fear that children have in some The moments during the day, they are afraid of being infected with the virus, and need someone who constantly reassures them.

You can reassure your children that millions of children around the world are in the same boat (Getty Images)

Working mothers
As for working mothers have a different problem, despite the suspension of the study, the work has not been suspended, and accordingly, keeping the children at home is a big challenge for them, who will stay with the children in the homes? Who will take care of their needs during this time they were spending in school? This is a question that only they should answer.

"She had to continue going to work," Rasha, 40, said. "I had to make a quick plan that fits with the current circumstance. I asked my oldest daughter to take care of her little brother in exchange for some gifts and financial incentives." She continued, "I follow them while I work through communication." With them constantly every 30 minutes, almost to ensure that everything is fine. "

As for Hanan (45 years) - who works as a doctor and all the doctors ’leaves have been canceled due to the global emergency - she has put in place a different plan, where she coordinated with her neighbors, to take care of each other’s children for some time during the day, thus controlling the situation Until every return of her work.

Confinement at home
Another problem for mothers is the inability to develop alternative plans to spend time outside the home.

"I can't imagine my two daughters sitting all day at home, with no exit anywhere due to the warnings everyone is circulating on social media for fear of contracting the virus," said Hayam, 28, who is a mother of two.

"What places can I take to entertain without the fear of being in it?" Hayam asks.

For their part, some parents resorted to locking their children in the house, so they are not allowed to go out except what is rare, and this is what arouses the children 's anger and makes them panic, especially since there is no specific horizon for the end of the crisis, the decline of the virus, and the elimination of danger.

Daily routine helps stay focused (Getty Images)

Time management at home
This is what Editor Jenny Anderson answers with a few simple things in an article entitled "How do you give your children stability when Corona closes schools?"

1- Planning a daily routine, as these types of crises can make us feel inactive or unable, but the routine helps us to stay focused and feel that we are in control.

2- Children in these circumstances must get more sleep, as this is related to strengthening immunity and improving physical, psychological and academic performance.

3- Simple things like wearing regular school clothes while doing homework from home rather than staying in pajamas can help you accept the abnormal situation.

Parents should help organize some activities, such as reading (networking sites)

4- Help children understand that if they are going to play online games for long periods of time, they need rest periods to move around, talk to the brothers, and do manual and kinetic activities.

5- Social communication is extremely important, as parents must think creatively to help children invest time and space to communicate and communicate with friends and neighbors, so that it is safe in the present time.

6- Communicating with friends online. Older children don't need help in learning how to find friends online, but younger children may need.

7- Parents should help in organizing some virtual activities such as a book club with friends, or watching one documentary, with each person making a presentation for him.

8- Establish a virtual sports day, as an attempt to help students to stay active, and also to enhance the sense of community.

9- Ask children to cook and innovate in preparing their recipes, provided that they are under your supervision of course if they are young.

10- Make sure they know that they are not alone. Children may not like their new situation, but you can assure them that millions of children around the world are in the same boat, and also assure them that you are there to support them.