The White House has announced that it is not permitted for former US National Security Adviser John Bolton to publish a book he has prepared, as it currently contains classified information, according to a letter sent to Bolton's attorney and seen by AFP yesterday.

After reviewing the draft book, the US National Security Council said, a measure that applies to all books published by former White House employees, that the draft contains "classified information", some of which are classified as "highly classified," and "could cause exceptional serious harm." With national security. ” He added, "The draft cannot be published without removing this confidential information."

Chuck Cooper, Bolton's attorney, refuted the White House allegations. He said in his response the day before yesterday: "We do not believe that any of this information can logically be considered confidential."

In his letter, Lawyer Cooper asked the National Security Council to conclude his review of the book quickly, in light of the possibility of summoning Bolton to testify.

"If (Bolton) is summoned to testify, it appears certain that he will be asked questions that will address most of the information" on the Ukraine issue, the lawyer wrote.

Bolton in his book, in particular, reveals a conversation that could harm Trump, who is currently facing a trial to remove him in the Senate on charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.

According to Bolton, Trump told him in August 2019 that he did not want to release military aid to Ukraine, as long as the Kiev authorities had not investigated former US Vice President Democrat Joe Biden, who is seen as the favorite to compete in the November 3, 2020 presidential elections.

Democrats accuse Trump of using state means to try to strike the credibility of a potential competitor, in violation of the constitution.