With a different lifestyle, increased stress, and nervous tension, some people suffer from lack of sleep, which leads to weight gain. Scientists have discovered for more than 20 years the increase in the secretion of ghrelin, which is responsible for feeling hungry, with less sleep And tension.

And the German magazine "Freuden" explained that the bad effects of this hormone include slowing the metabolism and reducing the body's burning of fats. The problem here is that this hormone activates its secretion when feeling hungry and lack sleep.

The German magazine pointed out that people who do not get enough sleep, not only suffer from overweight, but also suffer from an increase in blood sugar, high blood pressure and fat storage.

The magazine provided some tips and advice to overcome this problem, including:

1- Sufficient sleep
One should get enough sleep 7 to 8 hours at night, while avoiding eating just before going to sleep.

2- Eat meals regularly
To ensure the smooth production of hormones, the German Journal recommended that you eat meals (3 to 4 times a day) regularly, with intermittent periods between meal and other, in addition to the need to follow a balanced diet that includes important nutrients.

3- Doing sports
Exercise helps relieve stress, a sense of happiness, and hormonal balance in the body.

4- Maintaining a regular lifestyle
Hormonal complementary processes occur permanently in the body associated with a particular rhythm, and the more the regular lifestyle the better the body with its internal rhythm.