Radical changes in daily routine lead to negative consequences in the long term (Shutterstock)

Many radical changes in the daily routine during the holy month of Ramadan lead to disruption of both the sleep rhythm and the biological clock for many, especially with the sudden change in working hours, the number of hours of sleep and its quality. This is a suffering that continues after the end of the holy month, with the return of sleep schedules. Working hours return to normal, and a special kind of suffering begins, as many people find it difficult to regain control of the day, and organize sleep and wake-up times in a way that restores discipline to the biological clock. Is there a solution to restore your sleep routine after Ramadan?

What happens to your biological clock in Ramadan?

Daily habits change during Ramadan, the most important of which is eating the main meal of the day shortly before bedtime. With the departure from health and religious recommendations in the holy month, related to eating small amounts of food and drink, and practicing activities that require movement such as Tarawih prayers, and others, many people suffer from confusing times, with the body’s rhythm and its biological clock, which controls the feeling of heat, cold, and hunger, disturbed. And the desire to sleep and other things.

Daily habits change during Ramadan, the most important of which is eating the main meal of the day shortly before bedtime (Shutterstock)

Many studies confirm that the problem is not in fasting itself, but in the changes that occur in the lifestyle during the holy month of Ramadan, and these are not only individual and related to the person himself, but also collective, taking place at the level of countries, as work hours and school hours change. This is a change whose effects were addressed in a study entitled “Delaying school and office hours during the month of Ramadan: a blessing or a curse?”

This study was published in 2021, during which researchers Abdul Raouf Pirzada and Ahmed Salem Bahman indicated that changing the start times of school and work hours during the holy month of Ramadan, and the changes that occur in activity and sleep schedules during this time, are very similar to the resulting effects. What is known as daylight saving time, in both cases there is a sudden shift in sleeping and waking times, in countries that adopt delaying study and work times, and then changing the sleeping pattern, working hours, and exposure to light.

According to the study, these radical changes in the daily routine lead to negative consequences in the long term. On the other hand, the researchers pointed to the effect of regular sleep and wakefulness on the synchronization of the circadian rhythm and thus maintaining the health of the body and mind. They stressed that any change in the biological clock for any reason Social or economic, resulting in physiological effects, the most important of which are:

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  • Cellular imbalances.

  • Increased levels of inflammation.

  • Increased heart disease.

  • Low blood pressure.

Intermittent sleep for insufficient hours may cause changes in the biological clock (pixels)

Harmful effects of interrupted sleep

Intermittent sleep for insufficient hours causes changes in the biological clock, as well as general problems, the most prominent of which are:

  • Headaches and mood swings, including irritability and migraines.

  • Affecting cognitive functions, the ability to retain and retrieve information, make decisions, and even creative abilities decline.

  • Weight gain due to changes in the hormones that control feelings of fullness and hunger.

This is how you restore your sleep balance

Suffering from sleep disturbances and insomnia continues after the end of the month of Ramadan for a long time, but this problem can be put to an end by following a set of habits that will restore balance and enjoy peaceful sleep. Among these habits:

Set a clear time to sleep every day

, after Ramadan. Whether you feel sleepy or not, lie down and try not to think about anything. This is how you reprogram your biological clock again.

Avoid napping,

even if you feel tired, during the first week after Ramadan, and in the following week try not to exceed 30 minutes.

Stay away from screen light

at least 10 minutes before bed.

Stop consuming caffeine in the evening

, such as after breaking the fast in Ramadan, as the body takes 6 hours to get rid of its effects, and drink warm milk or soothing herbs.

It takes the body 6 hours to get rid of the effects of caffeine (Shutterstock)

Avoid exercising immediately before bed

, such as after breaking the fast in Ramadan, as vigorous exercise on normal days before bedtime causes insomnia, and if necessary, it can precede bedtime by at least two hours.

Exposure to morning light

immediately after waking up, either by going out into open spaces, or by staying in front of a window, as daylight is one of the main determinants of biological clocks.

Create a sleeping environment

that is comfortable and not distracting or thought-provoking, with an emphasis on being dark and quiet.

Do not eat and drink excessively before going to sleep

, as was the case during Ramadan, especially fatty or sugary foods, because they contribute strongly to sleep disturbance, due to the extra effort the body makes to digest them. The same is true with spicy and spicy foods, as they are bad for sleep. Also because it causes heartburn and gas.

According to the National Sleep Foundation in the United States of America, returning to a balanced sleep rhythm after a period of disturbance may not be easy for some, so the Foundation recommends, in the event of an inability to restore a regular sleep routine, resorting to some treatments that will help, such as :

Taking melatonin supplements,

a hormone that is naturally secreted at nightfall, promotes sleep. Supplements containing melatonin help restore a healthy sleep pattern again.

Light therapy

involves sitting in front of a high-powered lamp for a short period, in the morning, to give the body a high dose of light to correct the circadian rhythm.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy

, with the help of a psychologist, can develop a plan for a healthier sleep routine and discuss behaviors that still contribute to circadian disruption.

Source: websites