By RFIPosted on 28-11-2019Modified on 28-11-2019 at 20:58

In Senegal, a last tribute to the former first lady of the country, Colette Senghor was made this November 28 in Dakar. The widow of the poet-president Léopold Sédar Senghor died November 18 in Normandy, Verson, at the age of 93 years.

A Mass in honor of Colette Senghor, the wife of the first President of Senegal, Léopold Sédar Senghor , was celebrated was dedicated Thursday afternoon in the Cathedral of African Remembrance, in the heart of Dakar. A solemn moment in the presence of many anonymous and figures of the political life of the country.

In the front row, former president Abdou Diouf and his wife are contemplating the portrait of Colette Senghor. A photo where the first of the first ladies of Senegal appears smiling.

#Senegal Mass in tribute to Colette Senghor this Thursday afternoon in Dakar Cathedral. Abdou Diouf, Moustapha Niasse or Khalifa Sall are present

William de Lesseux (@wdelesseux) November 28, 2019

On the benches of the cathedral also Moustapha Niasse, president of the National Assembly and the Léopold Sédar Senghor Foundation. On the left, the family of the poet-president. A moment of great solemnity shared by many anonymous people as the end of an era.

" I am a religious of the Immaculate Conception. The memory I have of Madame Colette Segnhor is a very distinguished woman, smiling, effaced. All this joy she has given to the country, I appreciate and I keep it. That's why I came to pray for her, pray for the rest of her soul . "

" A real, a great lady. A lot of class. Very modest. So, I have a great memory, "says another woman who came to pay him a last tribute.

" She was listening. She participated in the management and implementation of our country, "said a man present at the ceremony.

The Head of State @Macky_Sall took part this morning in the tribute ceremony to the former First Lady of Senegal, Colette Senghor.

Senegal Presidency (@PR_Senegal) November 28, 2019

For Augustin Senghor, the mayor of Gorée and nephew of the former president: " She chose to come here to Senegal and to be a little Senegalese, alongside her husband and son, who is very strong in tradition Senegalese and this shows that she had become a Senegalese in its own right .

The funeral convoy heads to Bel Air Cemetery, for an ultimate tribute before burial, to her husband.

Colette Senghor with her husband, Léopold Sédar Senghor first president of Senegal, October 9, 1996. © JOEL SAGET / AFP

Ceremony in tribute to Colette Senghor - report

28-11-2019 - By William Lesseux

►Also read: Fifteen years ago the poet-president Léopold Sédar Senghor disappeared

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    Fifteen years ago the poet-president Léopold Sédar Senghor disappeared
