Following the disclosure, which is published by SVT Nyheter in collaboration with the international journalism network ICIJ, moderates leader Ulf Kristersson responds.

- The rest of the world cannot accept this. What is now required is that Europe and the United States act jointly against China, so this just cannot continue.

"If the free world decides not to tolerate this, then China will listen, individual countries have very small muscles," he says.

What can the EU and the US do?

- Basically, China only understands the language of power, it's quite obvious.

Ulf Kristersson believes that the US's somewhat tougher tone towards China is more reasonable than what the EU is showing today. He also believes that it is imperative that the EU and the US speak with common tongue on the issue.

"The joint demand for this to cease and collectively call Xi Jinping's policy in China is absolutely necessary," he says.