China News Service, January 24. According to Reuters, on the 23rd local time, Turkey’s Grand National Assembly voted to approve the proposal for Sweden’s accession to NATO. After waiting for 20 months, Sweden finally removed the biggest obstacle to joining NATO.

  According to reports, that night, Turkey's Grand National Assembly voted 287 to 55 to approve the motion on Sweden's accession to the NATO protocol.

Turkish President Erdogan will then sign the formal agreement for Sweden to join NATO.

Data map: NATO logo.

  Fuad Oktay, chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of Turkey’s Grand National Assembly, said, “We support the expansion of NATO to enhance the deterrent power of this military alliance... We hope that Finland and Sweden will set an example for other allies in the fight against terrorism. "

  Swedish Prime Minister Kristersson posted on social platforms, "Today, we are one step closer to becoming a full member of NATO. The Turkish Parliament voted to support Sweden's membership of NATO, which is a positive signal."

File photo: NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg.

  NATO Secretary-General Stoltenberg issued a statement after the Turkish Parliament approved Sweden's accession protocol to NATO, calling on Hungary to also complete the approval process of Sweden's application as soon as possible.

  Stoltenberg said, "At the Vilnius Summit, all NATO members agreed to invite Sweden to join our alliance, and Sweden has fulfilled its commitments. Sweden's joining will make NATO stronger and make us all more Safety."

  Among NATO members, only Hungary has not approved Sweden's accession to the treaty.

Hungarian Prime Minister Orban previously stated that Hungary would follow Turkey’s decision.

  Sweden and Finland will apply to join NATO at the same time in May 2022.

According to regulations, all NATO member states must unanimously agree to admit new members.

Finland has been officially approved to join NATO in April 2023, but Sweden's accession protocol has not yet been ratified by Turkey and Hungary.

On December 26, 2023, the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey passed a motion on Sweden’s accession to the NATO Protocol. The motion was subsequently submitted to the General Assembly of the Grand National Assembly for discussion and voting.