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The measures to combat the wild deposit of building waste and improve their recycling rate are not convincing by building professionals. Getty Images / Roger Rozencwajg

This Saturday, November 16th begins the European Week of waste. Among the sectors most often implicated, the building. In France, 46 million tonnes of waste land each year in unauthorized landfills. Secretary of State for Ecological Transition Brune Poirson wants to fight against these illegal practices.

Faced with the scourge of wild dumps, Brune Poirson proposes to start from 2022 the free recovery of waste site that would be sorted. But the professionals are rather skeptical.

In a construction site, we saw, break, build and produce a lot of waste. Access to the dump is paying for the professionals. Getting rid of rubble in unauthorized places allows them to save money and time.

Would free access in the case of sorting better control wild deposits? " In the short term, it will manage the wild dumps, says Nicolas Courtois Syface company, which realizes and installs prefabricated elements. On the other hand, on the construction sites, the nerve of war that is disciplining companies over the volume of waste created is the wallet. The less they produce, the less they will pay the waste item on a construction site. It should not be that when this measure is put in place, it is a source of disempowerment. "

Today, only one third of construction waste is valued. A situation that can change, according to Marie-Armelle Ollivier, director of Wastebox, an application that offers solutions to businesses.

" Site waste, if we want to achieve an optimized recovery rate, we must change the way we collect the waste, the way it is sorted from the outset of the production of this waste. "

In addition to free, the government wants to densify the network of collection points and develop repressive measures and surveillance.

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