• Government, Conte: "We don't have dreams in our drawer. We have a unique opportunity"
  • Di Maio: I will not be vice-premier, now it is up to you of the Movement to decide
  • Government, Pd group leader and M5s from Conte, awaiting the vote on Rousseau
  • Government, Conte: "Good working atmosphere". Zingaretti: "Via the vice-premier, let's unlock the situation"
  • Between Pd and M5S hours of negotiation for the composition of the new government. Conte: "Good working atmosphere"
  • Government, Di Maio: "Our points are in the program or better vote"
  • Government. Grillo's appeal on the agreement between the M5S and Pd: "A unique opportunity"


02 September 2019Double turn for the Conte government on the eve of the vote of the M5s on Rousseau: Di Maio is called out of contention for the post of deputy prime minister and the prime minister appeals to M5s members to support the agreement with the Democratic Party. "There is no longer a problem with the vice premier. Even the Democratic Party has taken a step back, now not condemned ministers, 'he says in a video on Facebook. Another video of the prime minister in charge, asking the Five Stars to say yes to the government with the Democratic Party: "It is a great opportunity for the country we want. Common ideas also with others from the center-left. Do not keep dreams in the drawer". And tonight Conte also receives the LeU team leaders.

Conte: "We have no dreams in the drawer. We have a unique opportunity"
"The reasons for perplexity don't escape me, I think of the 5-star voters. I remind you that the M5S has always made it clear that, if it had not had a majority, it would have worked with the forces available to do so by carrying out the program. I say not to keep these ideas in the drawer, these dreams ". The premier appointed Giuseppe Conte says it on a live Facebook on the eve of the vote on the Rousseau platform.

At the end of the summit with the 5 Stars and Pd, the prime minister in charge of Fb pointed out: "Today I asked political leaders to remain exclusively focused on the problems that prevent citizens from having a better life. Citizens ask us not to be distracted. With Luigi Di Maio and Nicola Zingaretti we have a great opportunity today, to improve Italy and do the good of the country. "

Di Maio: "I won't be vice-premier, now it's up to you of the Movement to decide"
And always live on the social network also comes the intervention of Di Maio, who says: "Even the Democratic Party has taken a step backwards, there is no longer the problem vice-premier" by launching an appeal to pentastellati voters, members of the Rousseau platform: "Touch to you of the Movement to decide. To those who have doubts or do not know what to vote I want to say that there is no right or wrong vote, there are your ideas that will direct the action of the Movement. Do not be afraid, the Movement is participation, we have already won: the world awaits your vote to know the future of Italy ".

The satisfaction of the PD
The dem secretary, after 20 minutes, calls the press to declare that he is "working with patience, seriousness, for a true breakthrough government because this is what Italy needs, to rekindle the economy and cut taxes for Italian families ". No triumphalism, stress Pd sources, but a legitimate satisfaction for having listened to Conte make the dem proposals on tax, environment, green economy, cutting the tax wedge.

The electoral reform also enters the program
The reform of the electoral law is also part of the 'giallorosso' government program. According to dem parliamentary sources, electoral reform will be part of the chapter on reducing the number of parliamentarians. Always the same sources, at the end of the meeting of the Pd group leaders with the appointed prime minister Giuseppe Conte and the M5S delegation, let it be known that the new meeting announced for Tuesday will serve to file some points. In particular, on the Security decrees. Well the economic part of the program whose points were outlined by Conte himself live on Facebook.

The two delegations will see each other again
The summit between the PDs and the M5s on the program has not yet given white smoke and the delegations will return to meet on Tuesday. Of time, on the other hand, we have seen that in order to go ahead with the timetable for the formation of the government it is necessary to wait for the pronouncement of the base M5s on Rousseau. The idea is to put Conte in the position to go up to the Hill with the list of ministers and this could happen on Wednesday. The oath would follow on Thursday and confidence on Friday.

The M5S people to vote
The 5 Stars will vote on the Rousseau platform, from 9 to 18, to say whether or not they agree with the government agreement with the Democratic Party. "The birth of the new government will depend on the vote of the M5S members", Luigi Di Maio would have said this morning at the end of the executive board, as reported by the agency sources. There is an air of final tightening for the new government. On the scales plate now expects to assess the weight of the consultations of the base of the M5S with the vote on Rousseau and, of course, the weight of the decisions that the control booths of both the pentastellatos that the dem have taken and which they will bring before Conte .

D'Uva (M5S): A new beginning is approaching "
"A new beginning is approaching," writes group leader M6s in the Chamber, Francesco D'Uva, on Facebook. "We are giving our best, as always, for one goal: the good of the citizens. These days I have heard a lot of talk about places, roles, seats and assignments. An unseemly and surreal debate has been unleashed. I have only seen one thing: every single member of the 5 Star MoVement roll up their sleeves to create a program that will start again from the citizens' needs ", he adds. "" Tomorrow (Tuesday, ed) it will be a fundamental day for the new government that is preparing to be born under the guidance of Giuseppe Conte. A president who has been able to make his precious contribution in these 14 months and I am sure he will continue to give it even in the future. Tomorrow I will vote 'Yes'. And I say this because I believe in what we are doing, I believe in the possibility of being able to continue to put at the center of the political action of a government and a parliament a single common interest: that of the citizens. Don't give up, don't give up right now. Thank you all for your continued support, we will not disappoint you! "

Precisely the consultation on Rousseau could become a decisive element in the realization of the negotiations. On the question intervened the president of the senators M5S, Stefano Patuanelli who said: "The platform is a means that a political movement has decided to equip itself with to make its own decisions, equal to a party direction. If the no were to prevail, the Prime Minister will have to dissolve the reserve accordingly: in a negative way. I see no alternative ". And then on the agreements between Pd and M5S he commented: "There are comparisons in progress. It is not a quirk, it is a question of structure, of how two political forces interface with the Prime Minister. We are two forces that have "For a long time, it is not a problem of seats. We would prefer two deputy premieres, but it is certainly not an issue for which we will not proceed. I believe there is a good chance that the dialogue of these days will lead to a positive result."