On Thursday, June 6, the deputies of the Verkhovna Rada once again refused to accept the resignation of the heads of the three departments - the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Security Service of Ukraine and the Ministry of Defense. Thus, the parliamentarians again ignored the proposal of President Vladimir Zelensky.

The head of state made the relevant submissions on May 30 and insisted on urgent consideration by the parliament of these issues. It was noted that the measures for the removal from office of Pavel Klimkin, Vasyl Gritsak and Stepan Poltorak “are based on the Constitution and the relevant laws of Ukraine”.

However, deputies are not in a hurry to follow the instructions of the Ukrainian leader.

All three resignations of the Minister of Defense, the head of the Security Service of Ukraine and the head of the Foreign Ministry failed to gain the necessary minimum of 226 votes.

So, only 67 people supported the dismissal of the head of the Ministry of Defense. At the same time, as reported by ZIK TV channel, First Deputy Speaker of the Rada Irina Gerashchenko criticized Zelensky, because he in his inaugural ceremony did not thank Poltorak, who, according to her, “was the father of the fighters during Russian aggression”.

78 parliamentarians voted for the resignation of the head of the SBU. In addition, two decisions were considered to remove Pavel Klimkin from office. One document was supported by 141 deputies, and the second - by 137.

It is worth noting that both Poltorak, and Gritsak, and Klimkin have already submitted resignation documents, but the parliament refuses to make such a decision. At the same time, the Foreign Minister of Ukraine, after voting in the Rada, stated that he had asked deputies to support his resignation.

At the same time, Klimkin assured that he was ready to cooperate with the new administration, and stressed that Zelensky suggested he keep the ministerial portfolio.

“I have a network of connections, there is an understanding of many things ... In the transition period I will help and will work as I should. Therefore, this is actually a question of technology. The fact that I do not hide under the table and from responsibility, and from all serious things - you can not worry about it, ”the channel“ 112 Ukraine ”quotes Klimkina.

Earlier, the Verkhovna Rada refused to consider the initiative of Vladimir Zelensky to change the law on parliamentary elections, as well as send Prime Minister Vladimir Groysman to resign.

Recall that one of the first decisions of the new president of Ukraine was the dissolution of the Verkhovna Rada. Early parliamentary elections are scheduled for July 21.

According to the sociological group “Rating”, published on June 5, the largest number of seats in the new Ukrainian parliament will be collected by Vladimir Zelensky’s “Servant of the People” party. 48.2% of respondents are ready to vote for it.

At the same time, the passing threshold of 5% is also overcome by the “Opposition Platform - For Life” by Yuriy Boyko (10.7%), “European Solidarity” (7.8%), headed by ex-President Petro Poroshenko, “Batkivshchyna” (6.9 %) under the leadership of Yulia Tymoshenko, as well as the Voice party (5.6%) of the former musician Svyatoslav Vakarchuk.

“There is a tough conflict between Zelensky and Rada”

According to the deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on CIS Affairs, Eurasian Integration and Relations with Compatriots Viktor Vodolatsky, the Ukrainian parliamentarians deliberately go against the decisions and instructions of the head of state.

“The Verkhovna Rada has firmly taken a destructive position in relation to the current President Vladimir Zelensky, and all his proposals and instructions are completely rejected. It was on Vladimir Groysman, and on other issues. Today Rada stands in opposition to the president. Deputies want to show citizens who voted for Zelensky that he has no political weight, ”said a parliamentarian of RT.

HSE professor, political analyst Oleg Matveychev also pointed out that a serious conflict has started between the parliament and the president of Ukraine, and they are doing everything “out of spite”.

“All Zelensky’s proposals will now sabotage, boycott. The conflict is very strong, especially given the fact that the majority in the Verkhovna Rada continues to stand on the positions of Poroshenko, they were satisfied with the configuration that was under the former president. It is difficult to say what will happen after the election. But for sure there will be a tough fight in all directions. Everything will depend on the position of many oligarchs. But it is important to understand that the Ukrainian oligarchy does not need a strong president, ”explained the RT interlocutor.

Representative of the President of Ukraine in the Verkhovna Rada, Ruslan Stefanchuk, also gave his assessment of what is happening. According to him, the representatives of the old government are trying to continue to render “hopeless resistance”.

“Today we see what kind of credit of distrust to many instit of power exists in society. And for us it is very important that we must all satisfy the request, a high public demand to restart the current political system, ”he said at the briefing.