Sometimes it is difficult for us to identify the characteristics that make us attractive to someone; it may be because of their trust, their sense of humor, or their appearance.

According to science, there are nine facial features that may make people more attractive to us.

Lindsey Dodgeson said in a report published on the website of "Insider" - that many research has been conducted over the years to try to find out what makes us admire each other.

Studies such as those published in Comparative Psychology and Evolution and Human Behavior have shown that men and women prefer faces that seem more consistent. A study of similar twins revealed that twins with a more consistent face were more attractive.

Although many prefer inconsistent faces, this is not a rule. In fact, you can think of your favorite celebrities who do not have a consistent face at all. Sometimes a slanted smile - like that of actor Milo Ventmilia - can add a charm to the person, and the consistency of the faces may make people look strange.

Normal appearance
Many of us tend to be impressed with ordinary-looking faces, or people with familiar faces. One study, published in the journal Nature, suggests that this may explain that normal-looking faces represent a variety of genes, often genetic.

Women prefer men who look older than their age (Pixels)

Who is growing older?
A study published in 2014 in the Journal of Evolutionary Psychology found that women preferred men who looked older than their age. According to the study, as women become physically independent, they become attracted to older men. One explanation for what researchers call "the influence of George Clooney" is that the fertility period of women extends from puberty to despair, while men can have children until a later age. Women may get a better marriage offer when they wait for men to have a good position and better financial status when they become older.

Facial scars
One study, published in the journal Personal and Individual Differences, found men could be considered more attractive if they had a scar on the face, unlike women. The researchers took pictures of 24 students and 24 students, manipulated them, and appeared to have scars on their faces. Two hundred students were then asked to assess the attractiveness of the images and whether they believed the person was suitable for a short or long term relationship.

Men with scars were classified as more attractive than men who did not have scars. However, there was no difference in the attractiveness of women if they had scars or not.

Getting used to
A study published in the journal "Current Biology" that the genetic aspect may not have much to do with dating. The researchers found that our admiration for the types of faces is influenced by our personal experiences in life more than anything else.

Beard of the most attractive features (Pixels)

Some women prefer men who have a thick beard, while others prefer men who shave their tits. In 2013, a study selected 177 men and 351 women to see different images of men without a beard, a light or dense beard, or a full beard. The results showed that women believed that the length of the most attractive beard is the thick beard, which has been growing for about ten days.

Similar to your parents
Some research suggests that we tend to see people who resemble our parents or mothers more than being attractive. In this context, according to research conducted by St. Andrews University, we are attracted to the qualities our parents had when we were born, perhaps because we see them as the first to care, and we associate their traits with positive feelings.

In one study, a sample of 697 men and women showed that people with the color of eyes and the hair of their parents or mothers were more likely to be associated.

Attractive faces are more consistent and simpler (Pixels)

The 2016 study found that men tended to look more comprehensive instead of preferring some features such as lips or eyes. The researchers employed 169 men in France and presented them with two sets of random faces for women.

They were asked to rate these faces on a scale of 0 to 20 in terms of gravity. The results showed that the faces that men found more attractive were consistent and simpler, and did not have distinctive characteristics.