"Lviv and the western regions of Ukraine have traditionally enjoyed the highest level of Russophobia throughout the independence period of the state. This is due to a historical retrospective: the formation and emergence of these regions and regions. For example, Galitsa most of the time was part of Poland until 1941. Before the First World War, these regions were part of Austria-Hungary. Then the Austro-Hungarian political regimes destroyed everything Russian, trying to reformat the population, "Denisov said.

According to the expert, this ban was not the first month in Lviv, "squeezing the Russian language out of the education system, Russian music from the sphere of culture."

"Now we have come to the conclusion that the legislative taboo will be imposed on everything Russian and Russian. Naturally, this decision is not justified. It is politically motivated and once again confirms the essence of the Ukrainian regime, "Denisov concluded.

Earlier, deputies of the Lviv regional council voted to ban the public use of the Russian-language "cultural product" in the region.

They also instructed the creation of an interdepartmental working group that will conduct systematic explanatory talks about the moratorium with the population and legal entities.