
As the four party members of the ruling party, excluding the free Korean government, have completed the process of signing up for each party 's legislature yesterday, the appointment of the fast track in the electoral system reform and draft law has now exceeded the 9th ridge line. The four parties are planning to complete the process by tomorrow. Freedom to block all forces by all means The South Korean party held a rally in front of the presidential office yesterday evening, and held a night stand in front of the main assembly of the National Assembly during the night.

Yoonara reporter reports.


Yesterday, the Democratic Party, Democratic Peace and Justice Party unanimously approved a fast - track agreement at a four - party legislature general meeting held yesterday.

The right future is hard to predict the outcome of the pros and cons.

At last, 12:11 am, a settlement agreement has been approved.

It is a conclusion after four hours of hassle about whether the meeting is open to the public and how to vote.

[Kim Kwan-yeong / Park Hyun-soo, former chairman of the presidential contest, said: "I will make every effort to get the fast track to completion by the 25th due to the agreement.

The ruling Uri Party is planning to complete the fast track designation process by tomorrow, beginning with the initiative of the election bill in the special committee today.

If the committee does not make a decision to discuss the maximum 180 days, it will be transferred to the judicial branch for 90 days.

The Korean government strongly opposes it, foreclosure.

It was a snatching party of the 4th party of the four o'clock, and left the Cheong Wa Dae as the left wing.

[Na Kyung Won / President of the Liberal Democratic Party: The president will take the general election next year and take out the political parties with his own free will. .]

The Free Korean government plans to raise the level of response by opening a massive out-of-office rally in Gwanghwamun on the 27th, the anniversary of the Panmunjom Declaration, following last night's rally in front of the main assembly of the National Assembly.