[New Year Chronicle] The making process of rice crackers in Zhuangxiang

  On February 2nd, the Spring Festival approached. Zheng Feiyan's family was busy making rice crackers in Baishi Village, Si Village, Xiangzhou County, Laibin City, Guangxi.

"Playing rice crackers" is a traditional custom of the locals. During the Spring Festival, a family sits around the fire to make rice crackers. It is a joyous and enriching new year.

  Shiraishi Xiaogu rice crackers are famous for their sweetness, fragrance, softness and softness. The craftsmanship of the rice crackers is fine. It needs to go through eight processes such as rice selection, rice washing, rice frying, rice flouring, powdering, sugar cooking, cracking and steaming.

According to reports, every household in Baishi Village has a workshop that produces rice cakes.

According to statistics, the annual output of Baishi Xiaogu Rice Cake is about 68,000 kilograms, the price is 30 yuan per kilogram, and the output value is more than 2 million yuan.

  (Edited by Chen Qiuxia and Li Jiali)

Editor in charge: [Ji Xiang]