China News Service, January 28 (China News Financial Reporter Zuo Yuqing) In recent years, people have often joked that "the end of the universe is live streaming." Although live broadcasts cannot really reach the end of the universe, in reality, many leading anchor organizations such as Crazy Little Yang Ge and Oriental Selection are no longer satisfied with the domestic market and have successively targeted the wallets of foreigners.

Next stop, go to sea!

  According to media reports, Oriental Selection, which relies on Dong Yuhui's frequent hot searches, revealed at the extraordinary shareholders' meeting held recently that it may cooperate with Tik Tok, especially in overseas supply chains. This news was also confirmed by people familiar with the matter.

  Although Oriental Selection told China News Finance that it "will not make a statement for the time being" on the matter of going overseas, China News Service noticed that Oriental Selection has begun to recruit relevant positions on the platform, including Oriental Selection Content Operations Manager (TikTok), Oriental Selection TikTok Overseas Store operation, Oriental Selection Business Manager (TikTok), monthly salary is between 20,000-40,000 yuan.

  Oriental Selection has begun recruiting TikTok e-commerce operation-related positions on the platform.

  However, Dongfang Selection, which has just begun to "recruit people", is already "late in coming" in the wave of leading anchors going overseas.

  In April 2023, "Crazy Little Yang" said in a live broadcast that he would open an e-commerce store on Tik Tok to "earn foreigners' money." On January 17 this year, Three Sheep released the “report card” of Singapore, its first overseas stop. In addition, Luo Yonghao's "Make a Friend" has already gone to Indonesia. Yuanwang Technology also told investors in December last year that it “has been paying attention to the development of overseas markets.”

What is the magic of overseas markets?

  Why are leading domestic live broadcast organizations targeting overseas markets?

  Analysts believe that as the domestic market becomes increasingly saturated, the live broadcast industry urgently needs to explore new growth points. In contrast, the potential space in overseas markets has become increasingly prominent, and overseas deployment has become a general trend.

  Judging from the data, in recent years, my country's cross-border e-commerce imports and exports have maintained rapid growth and become one of the new drivers of foreign trade. The latest data disclosed by the Ministry of Commerce stated that preliminary statistics show that there are now 645,000 companies in China with foreign trade import and export performance, including more than 100,000 cross-border e-commerce entities.

  In addition, the Ministry of Commerce also recently stated that it will accelerate the cultivation of new driving forces. We need vitality from innovation and promote the development of new business formats and models such as cross-border e-commerce, bonded maintenance, and market procurement.

  Against this background, overseas markets, full of unlimited imagination, have become the next hot topic for live streaming.

  It is worth noting that whether it is the first step to make friends, Xiao Yang who has just entered the city, or Dongfang Selection who is preparing to enter the game, they all invariably use Tik Tok as the first platform for e-commerce to go global.

  "The top anchors have accumulated considerable experience in short video live broadcast operations in China and have laid a certain foundation of supporting facilities. If they want to copy this experience abroad, they will inevitably choose a platform with similar attributes." Analysys Circulation Chen Tao, a senior industry analyst, told China News Finance.

  On January 17, Three Sheep released the “report card” of Singapore, its first overseas stop.

  Data from the "2022 TikTok for Business Overseas Marketing White Paper" shows that the Tik Tok platform has more than 1 billion monthly active users, covering more than 150 countries and regions around the world, and has gathered e-commerce consumers with high activity, high willingness to share, and strong purchasing power. .

  The high concentration of Internet celebrities has given Tik Tok a naturally huge traffic pool, and its influence continues to rise in high-potential e-commerce emerging markets such as Southeast Asia and Latin America. Hao Xijie, head of the overseas business department of Make a Friend, also told the media that the overall logic of Southeast Asia is similar to that of domestic Douyin, and will become a key market in the future.

Is it easy to make money as a foreigner?

  Although overseas markets are full of temptations, they are also full of unknowns.

  Is the "second growth line" a good business? How can I make money as a foreigner? Faced with this series of problems, I am afraid we cannot simply copy the domestic model.

  Chen Tao pointed out that compared with problems such as language barriers, "localization" is the biggest challenge faced by many live broadcast e-commerce organizations, and it is also the final destination of live broadcast e-commerce organizations after going overseas.

  "Tiktok Business Unit (Three Sheep)" recently posted a local warehouse in Singapore. Screenshot from short video platform.

  Chen Tao said that live broadcast e-commerce organizations also have to face differentiated markets when going overseas. Only by establishing a localized team can they better understand the living customs, consumption habits, religious beliefs, etc. of local consumers and achieve more effective operations.

  "By cultivating local anchors, cultivating local markets, and conducting local operations, establishing a complete system can not only improve operational efficiency, but also avoid risks such as laws, regulations, and cultural differences," he said. (over)