Economic Daily joins hands with to release data——

Dragon element products have been selling well this year

  □ Comments on Dong Fei in this issue

Data source JD Consumer and Industrial Development Research Institute

  The Spring Festival of the Year of the Dragon is approaching, and the festive atmosphere is already in full swing everywhere. The dragon has an irreplaceable position in traditional Chinese culture. The dragon has always entrusted many beautiful visions in the hearts of the Chinese people. Therefore, this year's "zodiac economy" is particularly prosperous, and a variety of "dragon element" products are popular in the consumer market.

  "Dragon element" brings fire to traditional cultural consumption. Many people have purchased dragon zodiac clothing to bring good luck and good fortune in the Year of the Dragon. Sales data show that the turnover of women's Hanfu with "dragon elements" increased nearly 2 times year-on-year, and the turnover of dragon-shaped hairpins increased nearly 6 times. Many consumers purchased "dragon element" children's home clothes for their children. The transaction volume of "little dragon people" clothing increased by nearly 200% year-on-year. The transaction volume of children's performance clothing with "dragon elements" increased by more than 5 times year-on-year.

  At the same time, the Year of the Dragon has also made various "dragon element" decorations popular. Whether for home or travel, consumers have purchased many "dragon element" products. In automobile decoration, the transaction volume of "dragon element" headrests and waistrests and car perfumes both increased by more than 10 times year-on-year; in household products, the transaction volume of aromatherapy sets, modern decorative paintings, zodiac ornaments, Year of the Dragon Spring Festival couplets and red envelope sets, etc. The growth rate is more than 10 times.

  Young consumers prefer to buy “dragon element” products. Young people attach great importance to the sense of ritual in life. They give birth to a "dragon baby" in the Year of the Dragon, buy Year of the Dragon commemorative coins, and place dragon-shaped decorations... While pursuing popular elements, they have integrated the cultural meaning of the dragon into their daily lives. Conveying blessings and expectations for the new year. At the same time, with the rise of personalized consumption, many corporate brands have seized the business opportunities and designed a large number of novel "dragon element" cultural and creative products in line with modern aesthetics through cross-border cooperation and IP co-branding, which have been popular in the market.

  The "zodiac economy" is booming, and behind it is the inheritance and innovation of traditional culture. The dragon has rich cultural connotations and symbolic meanings. In the New Year, by purchasing "dragon element" products, people show their attention and recognition of traditional culture. The "Dragon" trend that combines tradition and innovation is coming, driving the rise of the "Dragon Economy", which will be the icing on the cake for this year's consumer market.

  (Reviewer: Senior Researcher at JD Consumer and Industrial Development Research Institute)