With a first alcohol store, Saudi Arabia is once again looking to open

The very conservative kingdom should authorize the opening of a first store for the sale of alcohol. An approach that is essentially symbolic in scope, but which nevertheless underlines the country's desire for openness. 

General view of Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia. AFP - FAISAL AL-NASSER

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More than 70 years after banning it nationwide, Saudi Arabia plans to open the first liquor store in the kingdom. A sign of the sensitivity of the subject in this conservative kingdom, guardian of the holy places of Islam, the decision was not officially announced. These are two sources who raised the subject with Agence-France Presse, as if to test the reaction to this development. 

A statement from the Saudi government, however, indicates the establishment of " 

a new regulatory framework (...) to combat the illicit trade in goods and alcoholic products received by diplomatic missions

." The new program will allow “ 

the allocation of specific quantities of alcoholic products

.” It aims to put an end to an “


” procedure 

which gave rise to an “uncontrolled exchange of these products in the Kingdom”. The government press release ensures that the new procedure will “

continue to guarantee all diplomats from non-Muslim embassies (of countries) access to these products according to specific quotas


240 alcohol “points” per month

However, the project is advanced: the store will be located in the diplomatic district of Riyadh, the capital, and will be reserved for non-Muslim diplomats. To enter, you must be over 21 and wear " 

proper attire

", adds a document consulted by AFP, while specifying that the use of mobile phones is prohibited in the store. Potential customers must first be registered on an application, Diplo App, and must appear in person to do their shopping according to quotas set at 240 alcohol “points” per month. For example: a liter of spirits is worth six points, a liter of wine three points and a liter of beer one point, again according to the document.

Alcohol will therefore remain prohibited for the vast majority of the 32 million inhabitants. And this decision should not upset the habits of the kingdom: diplomats were already the only inhabitants to have access to alcohol through the diplomatic bag. The Saudi authorities also present their project as a means of combating alcohol trafficking from diplomatic missions. 

But the development is nevertheless significant. As Saudi Arabia opens up to international investors and tourists, this decision could be a first step towards a gradual opening. Especially since Saudi Arabia is following in the footsteps of the majority of its neighbors: Oman, Emirates, Qatar and Bahrain have also authorized the sale of alcohol, through stores with similar rules, but also in large hotels .


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