JR West has announced that the current in-car wagon sales on the Sanyo Shinkansen "Nozomi" will end on March 15th this year.

The reasons include a decline in sales and a lack of manpower, but the company plans to continue service with green Nozomi and Hikari cars.

On the Sanyo Shinkansen, there is currently a wagon sales service for drinks and sweets at the Nozomi stop, but JR West announced on the 25th that the service for regular cars will end on March 15th. I made it.

The company is facing a decline in wagon sales due to the expansion of station stores and an increase in the number of passengers bringing drinks and lunch boxes onto the train.In addition, it has become difficult to secure staff, and the company has been forced to visit all train cars. The reason for this is that it has become difficult to do so.

From March 16th, the service will continue on the Nozomi and Hikari green cars.

On the Sanyo Shinkansen's Hikari, wagon sales have been suspended since February 2021 due to the spread of the new coronavirus, but they will resume with green cars.

Regarding Shinkansen wagon sales, JR Tokai ended the service on the Tokaido Shinkansen in October last year, while the green cars of "Nozomi" and "Hikari" are now available.If you order meals etc. with your smartphone on your smartphone, the crew will deliver them to your seat. We are introducing a new service that will help you.