Reporter Du Yumeng

  Trainee reporter Mao Yirong

  In recent times, various places have entered the "Two Sessions Time" one after another.

A reporter from Securities Daily found that at least nine provinces focused on the reform of state-owned enterprises when deploying key tasks for 2024.

  Implementing actions to deepen and improve the reform of state-owned enterprises has become one of the key directions of efforts in many provinces in 2024.

For example, Guangdong proposed to implement actions to deepen the reform of state-owned enterprises and improve the modern enterprise system with Chinese characteristics; Hebei proposed to implement actions to deepen and improve the reform of state-owned enterprises, increase scientific and technological innovation, optimize the layout and structure of state-owned capital, enhance core functions and improve core competitiveness.

  Liu Xingguo, a special senior researcher at the China Enterprise Confederation, told a reporter from Securities Daily that the work arrangements for 2024 in various places have different priorities, but in the final analysis, they are all aimed at improving the innovation capabilities and value creativity of local state-owned enterprises and cultivating new regions. economic growth point, thereby better promoting regional economic development.

  According to Zhu Changming, a partner at Sunshine Times Law Firm and the head of the State-owned Enterprise Mixed Reform Center, state-owned and state-owned enterprises must maintain the fundamentals of corporate development and pay attention to the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries while continuing to promote reform, deepening and improvement.

  This year is a critical year for the implementation of a new round of state-owned enterprise reform, deepening and improvement actions, and it is also a critical year for connecting the past and the next.

  Yuan Ye, deputy director of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, said at a press conference held by the State Council Information Office on January 24 that state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises will coordinate the progress, promote implementation, and strive to achieve breakthroughs in key and difficult tasks.

"We will deepen reforms around optimizing resource allocation. Focus on serving major national strategies, further promote the concentration of state-owned capital in important industries and key areas related to national security and the lifeline of the national economy, and to public services, emergency response capabilities, and public welfare areas related to the national economy and people's livelihood. Concentrate on forward-looking strategic emerging industries. At work, we will continue to implement strategic reorganization and professional integration, optimize state-owned capital operating budget investment, increase the layout of new industries and new tracks, and promote traditional industries to strengthen their foundation. Transform and improve the resilience and safety level of the industrial chain."

  To deepen reforms around improving systems and mechanisms, Yuan Ye said that on the one hand, we must speed up the improvement of modern corporate governance of state-owned enterprises with Chinese characteristics.

On the other hand, we will continue to improve the market-oriented operating mechanism, promote the quality and expansion of the tenure system and contractual management work, build a precise, efficient, standardized and orderly income distribution mechanism, and accelerate the construction of a modern new state-owned enterprise.

  As a clear focus of the new round of deepening and upgrading the reform of state-owned enterprises, many provinces have made arrangements to further optimize the layout and structural adjustment of the state-owned economy.

  For example, Liaoning proposed that in 2024, it will deepen cooperation between the central and local governments, align with central enterprises’ strategic emerging industry renewal actions and future industry launch actions, attract central enterprises to set up regional headquarters in Liaoning, and support the transformation of branches of central enterprises in Liaoning into independent legal person subsidiaries; Tibet aims to clarify the "five powers" and strives to promote the "chess game" strategic reorganization and professional integration of state-owned enterprises.

  Coincidentally, Li Bing, deputy secretary-general of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, director of the Bureau of Financial Supervision and Operation Evaluation, and spokesperson, said at the aforementioned press conference that in the next step, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council will follow the relevant requirements for the deepening and improvement of the reform of state-owned enterprises and focus on unswerving efforts. With the goal of making state-owned enterprises stronger, better and bigger, we will promote the reorganization and integration work to be further deepened and solid.

  It specifically mentioned that we should focus on the development of strategic emerging industries and vigorously promote professional integration.

Give play to the leading and driving role of central enterprises, and in accordance with the development characteristics of strategic emerging industry integration clusters, make greater efforts to carry out professional integration in information communications, new energy, equipment manufacturing and other fields, actively open up new tracks, seize new highlands, create new advantages, and deepen Strategic cooperation in the industrial chain ecosystem will accelerate the improvement of the level of modern industrial system construction.

  The reporter noticed that since 2024, listed companies of central state-owned enterprises have become increasingly active in the M&A and reorganization market.

According to Wind data statistics, as of 16:00 on January 24, 35 listed companies have updated and disclosed major restructuring events during the year, 18 of which are listed companies of central state-owned enterprises.

  Zhu Changming said that under the guidance of the "chess game" of state-owned enterprises, the barriers between state-owned capital, especially between central enterprises and local state-owned enterprises, will be further broken down. In the process of promoting the "three concentrations" of state-owned capital in various places, market-oriented integration and reorganization are expected to become state-owned enterprises. It is an important way to optimize and adjust the economic layout and promote the flow of state-owned capital. It will also become an important starting point for local development of characteristic industrial clusters and accelerating the construction of a modern industrial system.

(Securities Daily)