Grain output in 2023 will be 1,390.82 billion kilograms, stable at more than 1.3 trillion kilograms for nine consecutive years; the total number of poverty-stricken labor force throughout the year will reach 33.969 million; the overall pass rate of national agricultural product quality and safety monitoring will reach 97.8%... Groups of exciting news The data has been gathered into a satisfactory answer to the "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" work in 2023.

  On January 23, at the press conference of the State Council Information Office on the operation of the agricultural and rural economy in 2023, Vice Minister of Agriculture and Rural Affairs Deng Xiaogang said that in 2023, in the face of complex and severe domestic and international economic situations and frequent and repeated natural disasters, Agricultural and rural departments at all levels have gone all out to overcome difficulties and problems, maintaining the momentum of steady improvement and progress in agricultural and rural development. The fundamentals of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" have been further consolidated, laying a solid foundation for economic recovery and high-quality development. Providing strong support for advancement.

  Agriculture is the foundation of the country, and the foundation is the foundation of the country.

The issue of agriculture and rural farmers is a fundamental issue related to the national economy and people's livelihood.

How will the achievements of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" be achieved in 2023?

How to stabilize the fundamentals of agriculture in 2024?

At this press conference, the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs responded to topics of social concern.

Grain production increases, structure is excellent, reserves are sufficient, and food security is guaranteed

  Grain production has achieved another bumper harvest, and the supply of important agricultural products has been effectively guaranteed.

Deng Xiaogang introduced that in 2023, our country effectively overcame the impact of disasters such as the rare "bad rain" in the Huanghuai River, severe local floods in North and Northeast China, and local drought in the Northwest. The grain output was 1,390.82 billion jins, an increase of 17.76 billion jins over the previous year, setting a new record high. , which has been stable at more than 1.3 trillion catties for nine consecutive years.

  Grain is the life of all people and the most important treasure of the country.

What is the current food security situation in our country?

Chen Bangxun, director of the Development Planning Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, said that my country's grain production has increased, its structure is excellent, its reserves are sufficient, and its food security is guaranteed.

  Chen Bangxun said that the food security situation can be judged from aspects such as production, structure, and inventory.

First, production has been bumper harvest year after year.

my country's grain output has remained stable at more than 1.3 trillion kilograms for nine consecutive years, and per capita grain possession exceeds 980 kilograms, which is higher than the international food security standard line of 800 kilograms per capita.

The second is to optimize the variety structure.

Grain production has exceeded demand year after year, and the supply of high-quality rice and special wheat has increased.

The expansion of soybean planting has achieved remarkable results, and the self-sufficiency rate has been further improved.

Third, there are ample grain stocks.

At present, my country's grain inventory-to-consumption ratio is much higher than the 17%-18% safety level proposed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

  "In the next step, we will continue to implement the national food security strategy in depth, solidly promote the storage of grain in the land and the storage of grain in technology, firmly grasp the two key points of seeds and cultivated land, strengthen support policies, consolidate the foundation of food security in an all-round way, and firmly grasp the Maintain the initiative of national food security." Chen Bangxun said.

Efforts should be made to enhance the endogenous development momentum of poverty-stricken areas and people who have been lifted out of poverty.

  Consolidating and expanding the results of poverty alleviation is the bottom-line task for comprehensively promoting comprehensive rural revitalization.

Deng Xiaogang introduced that in 2023, the results of poverty alleviation will continue to be consolidated and expanded, and the bottom line of preventing large-scale return to poverty will be maintained.

  Deng Xiaogang said that all localities have improved monitoring and assistance mechanisms to prevent return to poverty, and strive to achieve early detection, early intervention, and early assistance. More than 60% of the monitored objects have eliminated the risk of returning to poverty, and the rest have implemented assistance measures.

Focusing on industrial employment assistance, the central government has coordinated and promoted rural revitalization subsidy funds to account for 60% of industrial development, and poverty-stricken counties have cultivated a number of characteristic leading industries.

The total number of labor force lifted out of poverty throughout the year reached 33.969 million, exceeding the annual task target of 3.777 million.

  In 2023, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs coordinated various local departments and all sectors of society to solidly promote the key tasks of consolidating and expanding the results of poverty alleviation and effectively connecting rural revitalization, promote the continuous consolidation and expansion of the results of poverty alleviation, and maintain the bottom line of preventing large-scale return to poverty.

"The income growth rate of farmers in poverty-stricken areas continues to be higher than the national rural average, the production and living conditions of the people who have been lifted out of poverty continue to improve, and the sense of gain, happiness, and security has been further enhanced." Deng Xiaogang said.

  Deng Xiaogang said that this year, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs will focus on "keeping the bottom line, increasing motivation, and promoting development." On the basis of keeping the bottom line of not causing large-scale poverty return, it will keep the bottom line through monitoring and assistance, focus on increasing industrial employment, and focus on policy implementation. To promote development, concentrate more resources and strive to enhance the endogenous development motivation of poverty-stricken areas and people who have been lifted out of poverty.

The supply of "vegetable basket" products is sufficient and the market is generally operating smoothly.

  A small "vegetable basket" is related to people's livelihood.

"In 2023, my country's 'vegetable basket' products will be supplied adequately and the market will operate generally smoothly," said Lei Liugong, director of the Market and Information Technology Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.

  Lei Liugong introduced that from a production perspective, in 2023, the national vegetable sown area and output will continue to grow. In late December, the field area was more than 78 million acres, and the output in the first ten days was more than 21 million tons, an increase of more than 800,000 acres and more than 60 million tons respectively year-on-year. million tons; the output of pork, beef, mutton, and poultry meat was 96.41 million tons, a year-on-year increase of 4.5%.

  From a price point of view, the wholesale price 200 index of "vegetable basket" products in 2023 is 124.91, which is the same as in previous years.

  Judging from the urban situation, municipalities directly under the Central Government, cities under separate state planning and provincial capital cities attach great importance to the "vegetable basket", focusing on production, promoting transportation, ensuring quality, and stabilizing prices. The market supply is sufficient, the designs and varieties are rich, and the prices are running smoothly.

  The Spring Festival is approaching, and the stable production and supply of "vegetable basket" products is of great concern to thousands of households.

"The total supply of 'vegetable basket' products during the Spring Festival is guaranteed." Lei Liugong said.

  According to monitoring and dispatching, the country's meat, egg and milk production capacity will be sufficient in the first quarter of 2024. The area of ​​vegetable fields increased steadily in January, and the foundation for ensuring the supply of "vegetable basket" products is very solid.

  "But we must also note that due to the joint influence of El Niño and global warming, periodic regional low-temperature rain, snow and freezing weather may occur in winter and spring, which will bring certain risks and challenges to stabilizing production and supply." Lei Liugong said that the next step is to The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs will ensure the market supply of "vegetable basket" products through five aspects: reducing responsibilities, stabilizing production, strengthening supervision, promoting docking, and monitoring.