my country has achieved many achievements in scientific and technological research in key agricultural fields.

88 new nationally approved new crop varieties were added

  This newspaper, Beijing, January 23 (Reporter Jiang Jianke) The reporter learned from the recently held 2024 Work Conference of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences that in 2023, my country will achieve a series of new breakthroughs in scientific and technological research in key agricultural fields.

  Wu Kongming, a member of the Party Leadership Group of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and President of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, said that the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences has created a number of major new products, new technologies, and new equipment.

There were 88 new nationally approved new crop varieties and 82 new provincially approved new crop varieties.

Research and development of key technologies for precise control of water and salt in saline-alkali land have been applied to a total of 20 million acres; research and development of rapid fertilization technology for black soil, which can effectively increase organic matter in black soil areas, have been applied to a total of 8 million acres; Beidou navigation has been integrated and applied to achieve "unmanned" operations in rice and wheat production. .

  Focusing on grain and important agricultural products, the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences has carried out a full industrial chain layout and established 15 industry expert groups. It has basically formed a working mechanism of "efficient operation of expert groups, full support from the institute, and overall coordination and guarantee by the institute" to win the summer grain and oil harvest. , autumn grain harvest and other aspects play an important role.

The institute also uses science and technology to develop facility agriculture in the Gobi. It has jointly built the "Southern Xinjiang Oasis Agricultural Science and Technology Innovation Center" with Kashgar, Xinjiang, and the "10,000-mu Facility Agriculture Park" with the Hotan region of Xinjiang, with an annual output of 70,000 tons of vegetables and more than 5,000 jobs. .

The key technology for high-efficiency soilless cultivation of vegetables in desert Gobi facilities has been selected as a major new technology in agriculture and rural areas. Six science and technology demonstration parks have been built, and large-scale promotion and application has been carried out in 360,000 acres of Gobi facility agriculture in five cities including Wuwei, Zhangye, and Jiuquan in Gansu Province. "It is open all year round and has fresh vegetables all year round."

  "People's Daily" (Page 06, January 24, 2024)