Data map: China Securities Regulatory Commission.

  China News Service, January 24 (China News Service, Gong Hongyu of China News Service) Recently, the capital market has experienced fluctuations, triggering heated discussions.

On the 24th, Wang Jianjun, Vice Chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, accepted media interviews to respond to hot concerns.

Talking about stock market fluctuations and responding to the debate of “emphasis on financing but light on investment”

  The capital market is weakening and volatility is increasing. Many investors are deeply worried and have put forward opinions and suggestions. We listen carefully and empathize with them.

  On January 22, the State Council executive meeting listened to a report on the operation of the capital market and work considerations, and made a series of arrangements, which the China Securities Regulatory Commission is stepping up to implement.

  Without the active participation of hundreds of millions of small and medium-sized investors, there would be no development of the capital market over the past 30 years. They are the heroes of the market.

  It is our huge responsibility to protect our investors.

We have been working hard over the years, but there are still some shortcomings in implementation, and there is still a gap between us and everyone's expectations.

  We will put more emphasis on investor-oriented, which is the root, and only when the roots are deep can we flourish.

  Accelerate the improvement of institutional mechanisms for investor protection, and strive to create an open, fair and just market order and legal environment, so that investors can truly feel the fairness and justice of the market.

Talking about building an investor-oriented capital market

  It is necessary to better reflect the priority of investors in the design of institutional mechanisms so that investors can have returns and a sense of gain.

  First, vigorously improve the quality of listed companies.

  ——The quality of listed companies is prominently reflected in the returns to investors.

  ——We will further improve the quality evaluation standards of listed companies, highlight return requirements, and vigorously promote listed companies to better return investors through repurchases and cancellations, increased dividends, etc.

  ——Support listed companies to inject high-quality assets, market-oriented mergers and acquisitions, and stimulate operational vitality.

  ——Consolidate and deepen the normalized delisting mechanism, "retire all companies" that have committed serious violations of laws and have no investment value, and accelerate the survival of the fittest.

  Second, securities fund institutions must play their role in repaying investors.

  ——The evaluation mechanism of sponsor institutions will be improved, highlighting the quality assessment of their sponsor companies, especially the assessment of investor returns.

  —— Institutional arrangements such as fund product registration and investment research capability evaluation will be improved to guide investment institutions to change the concept of "emphasis on sales but not on services", enhance professional management capabilities, and increase product and service innovation.

  The third is to sort out and improve basic institutional arrangements.

  ——Comprehensively evaluate issuance pricing, price inquiry and other mechanisms to support more investor participation and enhance investors’ sense of gain.

  - Improve the quantitative trading supervision system that is suitable for national and market conditions, and optimize and improve institutional rules for shareholding reduction, securities lending, and refinancing.

  Data map: Stock market.

Talking about embodying the investor-oriented concept in supervision and law enforcement

  We will adhere to the main responsibilities and main business of supervision, implement the requirement that financial supervision must be "thorny" and angular, accelerate the improvement of a more stringent capital market supervision and law enforcement system, and enhance the penetration of supervision.

  We will further improve the anti-counterfeiting and anti-counterfeiting systems and mechanisms in the capital market and maintain a high-pressure "zero tolerance" posture.

  We will resolutely crack down on illegal activities that seriously damage the interests of investors, such as fraudulent issuances, so that they will "go bankrupt and sit in jail."

All intermediaries involved in fraud should be held accountable, so that they are too painful to do anything again.

  By protecting investors and effectively enhancing their sense of gain, the market will surely get out of short-term troubles and return to the path of stable and healthy development.