Pan Ruibo, deputy to the Provincial People’s Congress, received a reply from the Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security:

Cultivate “Cantonese Cuisine Chef” Talents Together

Developing “Bay Area standards” for Cantonese cuisine

  The "Cantonese Cuisine Chef" project is an important people's livelihood project and a popular support project.

During the first session of the 14th Guangdong Provincial People’s Congress, Pan Ruibo, a representative of the Provincial People’s Congress, proposed the “Suggestions on Implementing the “Cantonese Cuisine Master” Project with High Quality to Help Rural Revitalization.”

The reporter learned that the Guangdong Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security gave a reply to Pan Ruibo’s suggestions.

The reply pointed out that efforts should be made to promote the high-quality development of the "Cantonese Cuisine Chef" project, focus on increasing employment and income, strengthen talent cultivation, strengthen industrial promotion, improve long-term mechanisms, and build the "Cantonese Cuisine Chef" into a bright business card of Lingnan culture.

  Text/Ye Zuolin, all-media reporter from Guangzhou Daily

  Focus on talent cultivation and innovate the "school-enterprise dual system" school running model

  The reply proposed to speed up the construction of a multi-level talent team of "Cantonese cuisine chefs".

On the one hand, it has cultivated a group of outstanding "Cantonese Cuisine Chef" talents with the orientation of stimulating skill growth. The province has recognized 219 five-star and four-star "Cantonese Cuisine Chef" chefs, including five-star "Cantonese Cuisine Chef" chefs. 60 people.

The evaluation of professional titles of rural artisans in the cooking profession was carried out, and 38 talents with senior professional titles in the cooking profession of "Cantonese Cuisine Master" were evaluated. 140 "Cantonese Cuisine Masters" who won the title of "Guangdong Province Technical Expert" were selected through vocational skills competitions, establishing the "Cantonese Cuisine Master" "Master Chef" industry benchmark, leading the construction of a talent echelon of "Cantonese cuisine chefs".

  On the other hand, based on the systematic training in colleges and universities, we actively built a "Cantonese Cuisine Master" engineering teaching material system, and organized experts from industry, enterprises and institutions to research and develop 11 provincial training textbooks and 9 training syllabuses.

Strengthen the construction of clusters of technical education majors, and support the construction of key and characteristic majors in cooking-related majors in more than a dozen technical colleges in Guangdong, the east, the north, and other places.

Organized and developed two professional skill talent training standards and integrated curriculum specifications for Cantonese cooking and Cantonese pastry, and promoted the professional construction of "Cantonese cuisine chef".

210 vocational colleges and technical colleges in the province offer Cantonese cooking majors, and 21 provincial key and specialty majors have been established, with 71,200 students enrolled.

  In addition, relying on the construction of basic platforms, we will build a collaborative education platform between schools and enterprises, encourage technical colleges and industry leading companies to establish cooperative relationships, jointly build Cantonese Cuisine Research Institutes, Cantonese Cuisine Colleges, etc., explore professional construction, realize resource sharing, and complement each other's advantages. To jointly cultivate talents of "Cantonese cuisine masters".

Strengthen the construction of training bases and master studios. The province will build 100 provincial-level "Cantonese cuisine chef" training bases and 100 master studios. Each prefecture and city will have at least 4 provincial-level training bases and master studios, and build provincial-level "Cantonese cuisine chef" training bases and master studios. There are 6 training demonstration bases for “Cantonese cuisine chefs”.

  Further establish and improve the "Cantonese cuisine chef" standard system

  The reply proposed to strengthen the construction of a standardized standard system for "Cantonese cuisine chefs" and establish talent evaluation standards.

Organized and developed 15 special professional ability assessment standards for "Cantonese Cuisine Chef" and 28 vocational skills training course standards, and established an evaluation system that combines the professional skill level recognition and special professional ability assessment for "Cantonese Cuisine Chef".

Encourage leading catering companies, vocational schools, training institutions, etc. to actively participate in the professional skills evaluation of "Cantonese cuisine chefs".

  At the same time, the Cantonese cuisine standardized standard system will be improved, and the "Cantonese Cuisine Chef" Project Standard System Planning and Roadmap (2020-2024) will be formulated and released to provide scientific plans and guidance for the high-quality development of the "Cantonese Cuisine Chef" project.

Released 7 group standards for the prepared vegetable industry, 18 items including quality evaluation of prepared vegetable raw materials and products and full-process quality control technology.

More than 20 provincial-level local standards including the "Cantonese Cuisine Restaurant Star Rating Standards" have been formulated.

Cooperate with relevant government departments of the Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Regions to encourage social groups, enterprises and institutions in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao to jointly participate in the development of the "Bay Area Standard" for Cantonese cuisine, and promote Cantonese cuisine such as double-skinned milk, fried fish cakes, and fish soup. A batch of classic dishes entered the first batch of "Bay Area Standards" list.

  In addition, we will establish catering service standards, publish the group standard "Conservative Cantonese Cuisine Ordering Service Specifications", guide various localities to formulate local standards such as "Cantonese Cuisine Dining Service Specifications", and further establish and improve the "Cantonese Cuisine Chef" standard system.

  Improve the industrial chain and promote the branding of the Cantonese cuisine industry

  The reply proposed to improve the market-oriented industrial chain of "Cantonese cuisine chefs" and promote the development of characteristic agriculture.

2,092 "Guangdong Brand" agricultural brands and 194 "Guangdong Brand" brand demonstration bases were created.

10 agricultural product brands in the province were selected into the "Preliminary List of Agricultural Products Brands in 2022 in the China Agricultural Brand Catalog", and three regional public brands including Guangdong Zengcheng Lychee, Qingyuan (Ma) Chicken, and Shunde Eel were selected into the "2022 Agricultural Brand Quality Cultivation Plan". Xuwen Pineapple and Tiannong Food were selected as typical cases of brand innovation and development.

Released Guangdong’s “Ten Prepared Dishes” and other relevant policies and measures to promote the in-depth integration of the prepared vegetable industry and the implementation of the “Cantonese Cuisine Master” project.

Relying on the provincial "Cantonese Cuisine Master" talent training and evaluation alliance, we will carry out training and evaluation of professional (type of work) skills such as prepared vegetable production and e-commerce live broadcast, and vigorously cultivate talents related to prepared dishes.

  Not only that, it promotes the development of the Cantonese catering industry and vigorously cultivates Cantonese food streets (cities) and famous Cantonese food stores and products. Relying on industry associations, it has successively organized and recognized 100 famous Cantonese food stores, 199 famous Cantonese food products, and 19 Cantonese food streets (cities).

Carry out the 2022 selection of famous restaurants, famous dishes and famous snacks in Foshan, Zhanjiang and other cities to identify Zhongshan's top ten traditional famous dishes and snacks; support Zhaoqing City in formulating the "Zhaoqing One Table Dishes" brand through the Chefs Association and recommend 10 local specialty dishes .

  Promote the development of rural tourism, rely on the construction of rural tourism food spots and quality routes, and combine it with Lingnan folk cultural experience, agricultural tourism and leisure, etc., to promote authentic Cantonese cuisine.

The province has built a total of 61 rural tourism routes with the theme of Cantonese cuisine, such as the Nansha Water Town Ecological Tour, and created a large number of rural tourism Cantonese cuisine spots such as Sunshine Luyuan Ecological Farm.

(Guangzhou Daily)