Efe Madrid


Updated Monday, January 22, 2024-12:31

The CEO of Ryanair, Eddie Wilson, has called on the airport manager Aena to reverse the rate increase announced for March, of 4.09%, and has assured that the company decided

to invest in Spain thinking about a scenario of maintaining rates

until 2026-2027.

At the Hotusa Forum organized by this hotel company, the top executive of Ryanair has assured that

they need "certainty" in rates to develop their investment plan

, which plans to open five new bases in Spain and grow up to 40%.

To know more


Aena is already planning the largest airport in the EU in Madrid while the expansion of El Prat has been stalled for four years

  • Editor: CÉSAR URRUTIA Madrid

  • Editor: JUAN C. SÁNCHEZ Graphic

Aena is already planning the largest airport in the EU in Madrid while the expansion of El Prat has been stalled for four years


The Prosecutor's Office asks the National Court to condemn Ryanair for violating the right to strike of cabin crew in 2022

  • Editorial: EUROPA PRESS Madrid

The Prosecutor's Office asks the National Court to condemn Ryanair for violating the right to strike of cabin crew in 2022

In his opinion, medium-sized airports, such as

Murcia, Valladolid, Vigo, Santander or Cádiz,

among others, are places that need tourism all year round and only Ryanair can offer that volume in the next five years.

Wilson has assured the media that he recently explained to the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, and the Minister of Transport Óscar Puente, his proposal to grow traffic by 40%.

"We have the planes but we need incentives."

The top executive of the low-cost airline has recalled that

they transport 55 million passengers in Spain,

which they intend to increase to 77 million, and hopes

to increase the fleet of aircraft

based in Spain from 92 to 125 and create additional jobs for pilots, crew members cabin and engineers.

"We want to grow in Spain, but to achieve this, we need to have competitive airport rates for that additional traffic," he concluded.