Reporter Liu Meng

  Trainee reporter Zhang Xiangyi

  Recently, there has been a cultural tourism consumption boom across the country.

On the one hand, online marketing has been started, and creative marketing methods such as "local flavor shouting wheat" and "sea-title tactics" are used to attract customers; on the other hand, preferential tourism policies have been actively introduced to stimulate the vitality of cultural tourism consumption.

  Specifically, since the beginning of the new year, cultural and tourism departments in various places have become "frequent users" in hot searches on major platforms. Topics such as "Cultural and tourism bureaus in various places are crazy" and "Cultural and tourism directors are getting involved" have flooded social media.

  The “volume” of the cultural and tourism sector is directly reflected in the volume of video releases.

For example, starting from January 9, the official account of Henan Culture and Tourism Douyin "Henan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism" posted 20 to 30 videos a day, and 112 videos were posted in four days.

In addition, the official account of Shandong Cultural Tourism Douyin "Haoke Shandong" released a local flavor video "My Surname is Dong". Jilin, Hebei, Chongqing and other places invited celebrities to promote their hometowns... Various places "fancy activities", competing to "roll" Start tourism marketing.

  Hong Tao, vice chairman of the China Society of Consumer Economics and director of the Institute of Business Economics at Beijing Technology and Business University, believes that the popularity of cultural tourism marketing this time has benefited from a series of consumption-promoting policies, which further stimulated the vitality of the tourism market.

  In addition to making full use of social media for marketing, various regions have also actively introduced preferential tourism policies to attract consumers.

For example, on January 19, the Information Office of the Henan Provincial Government held a press conference on the 2024 "Spring Festival in the Central Plains, Hometown of Henan" theme event, announcing that more than 100 scenic spots in Henan Province will be launched to people across the country from February 5 to March 11. Ticket exemptions, discounts and other preferential measures; the Shaanxi Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism stated that from February 2 to February 24, the Shaanxi Cultural Tourism Benefiting Platform will issue special coupons for New Year performances.

On January 20, according to the "Guangdong Release" WeChat public account, the Guangdong Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism will launch the Guangdong "Guangdong Consumption and Guangdong Wonderful" consumption coupon (culture and tourism special) activity, distributing over 10 million yuan in cultural and tourism coupons across the province. Travel vouchers.

Preferential policies are coming out frequently in various places, trying to convert the popularity on the Internet into actual customer flow.

  "The boom in cultural tourism will become an important way for my country to boost the economy, stimulate consumption, drive popularity, and improve expectations." Zhang Yiqun, deputy chairman of the Performance Management Committee of the China Society for Finance and Finance, told a reporter from Securities Daily that my country's tourism market will continue to grow this year. As the temperature rises, my country's tourism industry will show an accelerated development trend.

  Fu Yifu, a senior researcher at Xingtu Financial Research Institute, believes that it is a good phenomenon for various places to use online media to promote foreign tourists.

"Whether this cultural tourism boom can drive the development of tourism in various places and what the conversion rate will be remains to be seen."

  The "2024 Spring Festival Tourism Market Forecast Report" released by Ctrip shows that as of January 13, domestic travel, outbound travel, and inbound travel orders have all increased significantly during the Spring Festival holiday.

  On January 16, Li Yang, deputy team leader of the comprehensive transportation Spring Festival travel work team and deputy minister of the Ministry of Transport, revealed at a press conference on the 2024 Spring Festival travel situation and work arrangements held by the State Council Information Office that according to predictions, there will be about 90 people traveling during the Spring Festival travel period this year. 100 million people traveled, visited relatives, and had leisure activities, which may reach a record high.

  Regarding the overall situation of the tourism market in 2024, Ma Yiliang, chief statistician of the China Tourism Academy (Ministry of Culture and Tourism Data Center), gave a prediction at the 2024 Tourism High-Quality Development Conference held on January 18, 2024.

He believes that in 2024, the number of domestic tourist trips and domestic tourism revenue will exceed 6 billion and 6 trillion yuan respectively, and the number of inbound and outbound tourists and international tourism revenue will exceed 264 million and 107 billion US dollars respectively.

  Talking about how to further stimulate the potential of cultural tourism consumption, Tian Lihui, dean of the Institute of Financial Development of Nankai University, said that the current marketing to attract customers is mainly the expansion of publicity and the expansion of the demand side.

Tapping the potential and sustainable development of cultural tourism requires the improvement of service quality and the development of specialty products, as well as supply-side reforms.

The cultural tourism industry needs to work hard to improve the quality and efficiency of cultural tourism services; improve facilities and equipment to enhance tourists’ experience and comfort; and strengthen safety management to ensure the safety of tourists’ personal and property.

At the same time, cultural tourism products with local characteristics and cultural connotations must be developed. Only by optimizing the supply of cultural tourism products according to market demand can the potential of cultural tourism consumption be truly stimulated.

  Zhang Yiqun said that to stimulate the potential of cultural tourism consumption, on the one hand, we can combine regional characteristics, improve cultural tourism infrastructure and supporting construction, enhance the function and quality of cultural tourism services, and deeply develop special tourism projects to meet more personalized tourism needs; on the other hand, It is necessary to expand the cultural tourism industry chain.

(Securities Daily)