News 1+1丨China’s economy, how do you see it in 2023?

What to do in 2024?

  On January 17, the National Bureau of Statistics released China’s economic “report card” in 2023.

Preliminary calculations show that the GDP in 2023 will exceed 126 trillion yuan, and the GDP in 2023 will grow by 5.2%.

What does this “report card” mean?

How much gold content does it have?

What changes and trends can we see from this?

How to better promote high-quality development?

"News 1+1" invited Zhang Yansheng, chief researcher of the China Center for International Economic Exchanges, to focus on: China's economy, how do you see it in 2023?

What to do in 2024?

What’s the value of GDP growth of 5.2% in 2023?

Zhang Yansheng, chief researcher of the China Center for International Economic Exchanges:

The 5.2% result is commendable because we are actually facing three "shocks."

One impact is the epidemic, which continues to have an impact on all aspects of our economy and society to this day.

The second impact is the impact caused by international geopolitics.

The third impact is climate change, including some extreme disasters.

Therefore, under this circumstance, it is commendable that we achieve a GDP growth rate of 5.2% in 2023. We have always adhered to development as the last word.

High-quality development is the last word in the new era. I think both the central and local governments, companies and individuals will work very hard in 2023.

What are the highlights of China’s economic report card in 2023?

Zhang Yansheng, chief researcher of the China Center for International Economic Exchanges:

From the data that I am most concerned about, I would like to first include that the research and experimental development funds invested by the entire society in our country have reached 3.3 trillion yuan, and the funding investment intensity has reached 2.64%.

This shows that no matter how difficult it is in 2023, we will increase investment in R&D and innovation. Therefore, this number has attracted my high attention.

In addition, regarding the "troika", we can see that the contribution of domestic demand is 111.4%, the contribution of consumption is 82.5%, and the contribution of service value added is 54.6%.

These data also tell us that these factors will play an important role in supporting economic fundamentals in 2023.

Advantages Outweigh Disadvantages What are our opportunities and strengths?

Zhang Yansheng, chief researcher at the China Center for International Economic Exchanges: In

2024 and 2025, that is, from this year to next year, high-quality development is the last word in the new era. I think it is the next major step in solving the congestion problem.

On the one hand, we must continue to expand domestic demand and coordinate the expansion of domestic demand with supply-side structural reforms, including investment, major new urbanization projects, new citizens, and the stabilization of mass consumption, including the next step of truly using consumption as a driver of economic growth. Strong driving force to improve our supply quality, comprehensively deepen reforms and other tasks. From this perspective, we say that there are always more solutions than difficulties. I think that in 2024, the favorable conditions will be stronger than the unfavorable factors, and the opportunities and advantages will be greater than what we face. Difficult challenge.

(CCTV News Client)