China News Service, January 20 (China News Service, Gong Hongyu of China News Service) As we enter 2024, there are frequent changes in senior management personnel in the banking system.

  More than ten days into the new year, many banks including China Construction Bank, Hua Xia Bank, Bank of Guiyang, Bank of Chongqing, and Beijing Rural Commercial Bank have disclosed news of the resignation or appointment of senior executives.

This is also another wave of intensive personnel adjustments for bank executives since the middle of last year.

What are the reasons for executive resignation?

  China Construction Bank announced on January 10 that Cui Yong submitted his resignation to the bank and resigned from his positions as executive director, vice president, member of the strategic development committee of the board of directors and member of the risk management committee.

CCB mentioned that the reason Cui Yong submitted his resignation was due to job transfer.

  Announcement from China Construction Bank.

  On the 13th, Hua Xia Bank announced that Guan Wenjie resigned from the bank’s executive director, president, and special committees of the board of directors.

The same is due to work reasons.

  Dong Lu, vice president of Chongqing Rural Commercial Bank, also resigned due to job transfer.

An announcement issued by Chongqing Rural Commercial Bank showed that Dong Lu resigned on the 15th and no longer held any position in Chongqing Rural Commercial Bank.

On the 17th, Ping An Bank announced that Vice President Ju Weiping had resigned due to work reasons and would not continue to serve in Ping An Bank and its holding subsidiaries.

  In addition to job adjustments, many bank executives have recently resigned due to retirement.

The Bank of Chongqing announced on the 11th that due to retirement at age, Lin Jun proposed to the bank’s board of directors to resign from his positions as chairman, executive director, chairman of the board’s strategy and innovation committee, member of the nomination committee, and member of the remuneration and assessment committee.

  Changsha Bank has also recently seen two senior executives resign when they reach their age.

Changsha Bank announced on the 10th that Vice President Yang Minjia will no longer serve as Vice President of the bank, and Chief Auditor Xiang Hong will no longer serve as Chief Auditor of the bank.

On the same day, Ren Juguang, assistant president of Suzhou Bank, also resigned due to age reasons.

However, Ren Juguang will continue to serve as deputy researcher at Suzhou Bank.

A group of new faces "fill in the seats"

  At the same time, some banks have also welcomed new faces.

  Just after Guan Wenjie left Huaxia Bank, he has become the candidate for chairman of Beijing Rural Commercial Bank.

Beijing Rural Commercial Bank’s official WeChat public account posted on the 10th that Beijing Rural Commercial Bank held a cadre meeting and announced the decision of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government to appoint Guan Wenjie as Party Secretary and Chairman of Beijing Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd.

  Screenshot from the WeChat official account of Beijing Rural Commercial Bank.

  Public information shows that Guan Wenjie was born in October 1970, holds a master's degree, and is a senior accountant.

He started working in the banking system in 1988. He previously worked at China Construction Bank, and later joined Hua Xia Bank and worked for more than 20 years. He successively served as the director of the Planning and Accounting Department of Qingdao Branch of Hua Xia Bank and the president of Qingdao Branch of Hua Xia Bank.

  Bank of Nanjing, which belongs to the trillion-dollar bank club like Beijing Rural Commercial Bank, has also recently welcomed a new leader.

Bank of Nanjing announced on January 9 that the first meeting of the 10th board of directors agreed to elect Xie Ning as chairman of the bank’s 10th board of directors.

According to multiple media reports, Hu Shengrong, the former chairman of the Bank of Nanjing, just retired in December last year.

  In addition, many banks have appointed new vice presidents this year.

On January 12, the Bank of Guiyang held the first extraordinary meeting of the fifth board of directors in 2024 and agreed to appoint Yang Xuan as the company's vice president, He Xin as the company's chief information officer, and Li Hongqi as the company's board secretary.

  A week earlier, on January 5, an approval from the State Administration of Financial Supervision showed that Xie Taifeng’s qualifications for the position of vice president of the National Development Bank had been approved.

  Information shows that Xie Taifeng was born in July 1972. He is a "veteran" of ICBC. He had worked for ICBC for 25 years before coming to China Development Bank. He successively served as deputy director of the head office office, deputy president of Hebei Branch, director of the head office office, and He holds positions such as President of Jiangsu Branch and Senior Business Director of ICBC.

Experts say the flow of talent in banks will accelerate

  In fact, personnel changes in the banking system are not uncommon in recent years.

According to Securities Daily, a total of 40 listed bank executives changed last year, involving various positions such as chairman, vice chairman, president, deputy president, etc., especially in the middle of last year.

On July 18 alone, two listed bank executives resigned, including Tao Yiping, director and president of Industrial Bank, and Li Fu'an, chairman of Bohai Bank.

  Judging from the resumes of many bank executives who will take up their new posts in 2024, bank executive teams continue to show a trend of becoming younger, with more and more "post-75s" and even "post-85s" taking over from the older generation of bankers.

  For example, Yang Xuan, the new vice president of the Bank of Guiyang, is a post-85s generation. Yang Xuan, who was born in August 1985, once worked at the Bank of China.

  When it comes to talent mobility in the banking industry, Pan Helin, co-director and researcher of the Digital Economy and Financial Innovation Research Center of Zhejiang University International Business School, believes that banks will have higher personnel mobility in the future.

“Because the banking industry is currently in a period of change and under homogeneous competition, it is difficult for senior executives to help banks obtain resources through scale competition. Instead, they must work hard on compliance and digital finance to explore new banks. Sales channels." (End)