China News Service, January 19. The State Council Information Office held a press conference on the development of industry and information technology in 2023 on the 19th. Xin Guobin, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, introduced that the overall scale of my country's manufacturing industry has ranked first in the world for 14 consecutive years.

  Xin Guobin said that in 2023, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will work with various departments and regions to conscientiously implement the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, adhere to the general tone of seeking progress while maintaining stability, accelerate new industrialization, resolutely build a strong manufacturing industry, and the industrial economy will show an overall rebound. In a positive trend, the information and communication industry has accelerated its development and high-quality development has been solidly advanced.

Taken together, it mainly has five characteristics: stability, innovation, strength, integration and excellence.

  First, the "stable" situation has been further consolidated.

In 2023, the "combination punch" of stabilizing growth policies is powerful and effective, and the added value of industries above designated size will increase by 4.6% year-on-year, 1 percentage point higher than in 2022.

Among them, the added value of manufacturing industries above designated size increased by 5.0% year-on-year.

Throughout the year, the industrial economy showed a steady and upward trend.

The growth areas of provinces and industries have "double expanded", and the "stabilizers" of the growth of the ten key industries and the ten major industrial provinces have become prominent.

The overall scale of the manufacturing industry has ranked first in the world for 14 consecutive years.

  Second, the “new” momentum has been further enhanced.

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology insists on leading the construction of a modern industrial system with scientific and technological innovation, accelerating the creation of innovation highlands, deploying 27 national manufacturing innovation centers, 2 national and local joint manufacturing innovation centers, and accelerating the construction of 45 national advanced manufacturing clusters.

Focusing on strengthening advantageous industries, the driving role of the "Three New Things" has been further enhanced. Product exports have exceeded one trillion for the first time, and the shipbuilding market share has ranked first in the world for 14 consecutive years.

Actively cultivate new momentum, and a number of emerging industries such as new materials and robots have grown rapidly.

Accelerate technological research and application, achieve new breakthroughs in innovation in industrial aircraft, key software and other fields, and research results such as large aircraft and high-end medical equipment have been put into use.

  Third, the foundation of “strength” has been further consolidated.

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has accelerated the technological transformation and upgrading of traditional industries and increased the promotion of smart manufacturing. It has built 62 "lighthouse factories", accounting for 40% of the total number of "lighthouse factories" in the world, and cultivated 421 national-level smart manufacturing demonstration factories and more than 10,000 smart manufacturing demonstration factories. Provincial-level digital workshops and smart factories.

Green and low-carbon transformation will be solidly promoted, green emerging industries will gradually grow, and the comprehensive utilization efficiency of industrial resources will be further improved. The annual bulk industrial solid waste utilization will exceed 2.2 billion tons.

The resilience and safety level of the industrial and supply chains have been continuously improved, and the development of the electronics, software and other industries has shown strong resilience.

  Fourth, the trend of “integration” is further accelerating.

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has vigorously promoted the development and expansion of the core industries of the digital economy. In 2023, telecommunications business revenue increased by 6.2% year-on-year, the electronic information manufacturing industry bottomed out and stabilized, the software industry increased both volume and efficiency, and the Internet industry recovered steadily.

Network infrastructure continues to be consolidated, service capabilities continue to be upgraded, and the total computing power scale ranks second in the world.

The integration of data and reality has been comprehensively deepened, 5G applications have been integrated into 71 of the 97 national economic categories, and the industrial Internet covers all 41 industrial categories.

Network and data security capabilities continue to improve.

  Fifth, the “excellent” environment has been further upgraded.

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has thoroughly implemented the 31 Articles on the Private Economy to unleash the vitality of various business entities.

Cooperating with relevant departments, we continue to promote the work of reducing the burden on enterprises. In the first 11 months of 2023, new tax cuts, fee reductions, tax rebates and fee deferrals nationwide exceeded 1.8 trillion yuan.

To promote the connection between industry and finance, the national industry-finance cooperation platform has assisted enterprises in financing to reach 712 billion yuan.

Efforts have been made to support the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises, and a total of 103,000 specialized and new small and medium-sized enterprises have been cultivated, including 12,000 "little giant" enterprises.

Broadly listen to the opinions and suggestions of enterprises, establish and improve a normalized communication mechanism for manufacturing enterprises, and timely remove congestion points and solve stuck points.

  Xin Guobin said that in 2024, the internal and external environment faced by the industrial economy will still be severe and complex. However, our country has the advantages of a complete industrial system, a huge market scale and a complete information infrastructure, especially after the National New Industrialization Promotion Conference was held. With the strong momentum of all parties supporting industrial development, the long-term positive trend of the industrial economy will not change.