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Oetker-Pizza (archive picture): Reduced range

Photo: Oliver Berg/dpa

Anyone looking for Oetker products at Kaufland could find themselves in front of empty shelves in the near future.

According to a report in the “Lebensmittel Zeitung”, the discount giant is removing all Oetker products from its range.

An Oetker spokesman confirmed this to “Focus”.

Frozen pizzas, baked goods and individual baking ingredients are affected.

Kaufland is selling Coppenrath & Wiese products at bargain prices.

Kaufland continues to offer muesli and pudding powder from Oetker.

The reason for the boycott is said to be negotiations over the payment terms for Oetker products, which have been ongoing since autumn.

According to the reports, Oetker increased prices in 2023, whereupon Kaufland is now demanding price reductions - but this is met with little understanding from Oetker.

Overall, consumers do not have to do without the listed products, it was said.

Because Kaufland replaces the missing goods with other brands - especially its own.
