, January 1 (Reporter Zuo Yukun) On January 14, the 1 Weibo Night ended at the Beijing National Speed Skating Hall. More than 13 popular celebrities in the literary and art circles, social hot spots, and parties involved in major events gathered together to witness the birth of various honors in Weibo's annual inventory. At the ceremony, 2023 awards were presented in seven areas, including aerospace, rescue and rescue, e-sports, sports, new knowledge and rational discussion, public welfare, and entertainment.

2023 Weibo Night Scene. Photo courtesy of the courtesy of the

Social issues have always been the focus of Weibo's attention. 2023 is the 20th anniversary of China's first manned space flight, and at the ceremony, Yang Liwei, who was awarded the honorary representative of Weibo's annual influential event, "China's first person to fly in the sky", told his mental journey: I have only one belief in my heart is "to be responsible for the country";

At the ceremony, Cai Lei, a ALS fighter and vice president of Jingdong Group, appeared, and "AI restores Cai Lei's original voice" is moving. He said: "Since ALS has chosen me, I will resolutely fight it, and it will regret choosing a strong opponent for itself." The more people involved in this battle, the greater the probability of our victory, and I believe that one day, mankind will erase ALS from the sequence of terminal diseases. ”

Weibo said that it hopes to leverage the attention and dissemination of events through the power of social media, give play to the value-oriented role of media, and convey positive social energy. Weibo will always focus on the mainstream hot spots of society, build communication channels for public opinion, reflect the microcosm of the national economy and people's livelihood, promote the progress of Internet citizens, and realize the integration of multiple values of social media with cross-circle communication power.

Explore a prosperous new ecology of literature and art, and promote the construction of a diversified and all-dimensional new value system for literature and art. On the night of Weibo, Charmaine Sheh reproduced the domineering moment of "The News Queen" and took the audience to relive the classic days of TVB; Zhang Songwen, who has been working silently in the entertainment industry for decades, won the honor of Weibo's ingenuity actor of the year; Hu Ge, Tang Yan, and Xin Zhilei were once again in the same frame to reproduce the classic scene of "Flowers"; Mao Buyi and other singer-songwriters injected rich vitality into the Chinese music scene with their works and strength; Zhou Shen, who has a high degree of national popularity and popularity, was awarded the popular singer of the year on Weibo......

Through the topic inventory in the past year, Weibo Night has helped the public condense flash memories in the era of fragmentation, arousing national empathy. Weibo Night IP, which has gone through nearly 20 years, has shown its resilience through the cycle, relying on its professionalism, authority and leadership accumulated in the industry, constantly building a healthy and benign literary and artistic ecology, and achieving a balance between art, business and social values. (ENDS)