With the issuance of new banknotes in July, bank ATMs will be able to handle both old and new banknotes at the same time as they are issued. Manufacturers are operating factories at full capacity and are preparing at a rapid pace.

New banknotes, such as the 7,3 yen bill with Eiichi Shibusawa's portrait and other designs, will be issued on July 2, and the bank's ATM = automatic teller machine will accept both new and old banknotes at the same time as issuance.

As a result of this switch, OKI, which handles ATMs, is expected to produce nearly 2,<> units this fiscal year, double the number of units produced in the previous fiscal year.

As of last month, the plant in Tomioka City, Gunma Prefecture, is operating at full capacity, and production is proceeding at a rapid pace by introducing new production equipment and automating some processes using robots.

Katsumi Takano, Deputy General Manager of OKI's Production and Procurement Division, said, "In addition to responding to the new tickets, we are also experiencing unprecedented production volumes due to the backlash from the semiconductor shortage."

With regard to the switch to the new banknotes, JR companies have said that they will gradually update ticket vending machines at stations to accommodate the new banknotes, although the timing varies depending on the station and region.

On the other hand, with regard to vending machines for beverages and other products, the major companies are planning to gradually respond to the new banknotes while monitoring the circulation status of the new banknotes, and it is expected that some of them will not be able to use the new banknotes for the time being after issuance.