Ten years ago, marked by Industry 4.0, the world's major manufacturing powers opened a round of competition for manufacturing upgrading.

Today, ten years later, in the context of the global economic downturn and the internal and external challenges faced by various manufacturing powers, China has taken out the "new three" that have attracted the attention of the world, which not only demonstrates the firm pace of China's manufacturing upgrading, but also increases the world's confidence that China's economy will continue to develop steadily and provide an engine for global growth.

The export of "new three things" can be described as the peak of China's manufacturing "plateau".

According to data from China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, China is the world's largest manufacturing country, accounting for about 30 percent of the world's added value in manufacturing, ranking first in the world for 14 consecutive years.

V you a set of data, look at the strength of Made in China:

China is the only country in the world that has all the industrial categories in the United Nations Industrial Classification.

Among the 500 major industrial products, more than <>% of China's products rank first in the world, and a number of important products such as personal computers, mobile phones, air conditioners, and solar panels account for more than half of the world's output.

Traditional industries account for more than 80% of China's manufacturing industry. In the past, when it came to Made in China, the label of "big but not strong" was often mentioned, but the pace of "strong up" made in China continued to accelerate, and it was gradually tearing off the label of "big but not strong" with a series of peaks.

Traditional industries are accelerating towards high-end, intelligent and green. Liu Xingguo, a special senior researcher at the China Enterprise Confederation, told "Sanlihe" that the high-tech manufacturing industry and the equipment manufacturing industry continued to develop rapidly, and the proportion of the manufacturing industry and the above-scale industry continued to increase, which is an important force to support industrial growth.

Take out the "new three"

China leads the competition in manufacturing upgrading

At present, China's rail transit equipment, shipbuilding and marine engineering equipment, new energy vehicles, photovoltaics, communication equipment, power batteries, rare earths and other industries are in a parallel or even leading position, which is an important symbol of China's manufacturing industry to the middle and high end of the global value chain.

From the "old three" (clothing, furniture, and household appliances) to the current "new three", it is a vivid portrayal of China's vigorous development of new quality productive forces, and also reflects the dynamic evolution of China's comparative advantage in the global industrial division of labor.

Behind this transformation is to promote industrial innovation with scientific and technological innovation. In 2022, China will become the world's second largest R&D investment country, and more than 570 industrial enterprises will be shortlisted in the top 2500,1 global R&D investment, accounting for nearly 4/<>.

Zhu Keli, executive director of the China Information Association and founding president of the National Research Institute of New Economy, told "Sanlihe" that the deep integration of scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation is like two closely biting gears that rotate and burst out more sparks of new quality productivity, just like installing a powerful "engine" for China's economy, allowing China to occupy a more advantageous position in the global industrial chain.

"Old trees sprout new sprouts", "new trees" grow and develop, and "future trees" also need to be cultivated in advance.

"The research and development of cutting-edge technologies such as 6G and quantum communication is in the first camp in the world. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology pointed out that it is necessary to look forward to the layout of future industries. Formulate and implement policy documents for cultivating future industries, promote the research and development and application promotion of cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, humanoid robots, the metaverse, the next-generation Internet, 6G, quantum information, and deep-sea aerospace development, and build new advantages for future development.

In Zhu Keli's view, China is actively cultivating emerging industries and future industries of the "seed players", these industries not only represent the frontier of science and technology, but also the key areas of future global competition, which is undoubtedly in the future economic development of the reserve energy, these "seed players" will gradually grow into the new pillar of China's economy.

The industrial economy is stable and improving, China's manufacturing transformation and upgrading, and the accelerated release of new kinetic energy will continue to inject new vitality into the high-quality development of China's economy.