, January 1 (Zhongxin Financial Reporter Zuo Yukun) Heaven is a good reincarnation, who has my family's specialty been hidden?

The story of Harbin continues. Who would have thought that the friendly interaction of the "North and South Return Gifts" would actually stage a good show of "National Specialties", not only excavating many "hidden specialties" Unexpected gains, but also found that they seemed to be kept in the dark by their hometown!

The realistic version of "Being a Stranger in My Hometown" is being staged, and it turns out that the "outsider" is actually myself!

Before the cranberry convoy, many people were watching and checking in. Photo by Wang Weichen

I thought it was imported, but it turned out to be at the doorstep

Who understands the family! Specialties are actually "specially produced by locals behind their backs"?

The matter also starts with 11 Guangxi "sugar orange" children bravely entering Harbin. After receiving the warm welcome and warm protection all the way, in order to thank the Northeast "Lao Tie" for their hospitality, Guangxi "Lao Biao" gave back 3 cars of sugar oranges and 8 cars of mandarin oranges; Heilongjiang gave back 10,<> boxes of high-quality Fuyuan cranberries.

Just before everyone had time to sigh for this heart-warming interaction, more people had already discovered that something was wrong: Wait a while, I won't say anything about you sending frozen pears, rice, red sausages, and mountain goods, what's the matter with this cranberry? We haven't heard of it before!

"Now it doesn't matter whether I'm 'biological' in the Northeast or not, the key is that you are a little ruthless in guarding against me. In the short video, many frowning young people in Northeast China are holding a box of delicately packaged Heilongjiang fresh cranberries, as if looking at "strangers".

The stereotype is that most cranberries are imported from North America. However, according to CCTV News, cranberries were introduced from North America in 2014 to Fuyuan City, Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province, and in 2023, the local cranberry planting area will reach 4200,3000 mu, with an output of about <>,<> tons, making it the largest cranberry planting base in the country.

Fu Qiang, president of Northeast Agricultural University, introduced that Heilongjiang is located in the "world's small berry planting belt", with obvious climatic advantages, and countless berry resources such as blue indigo, black currant, wild blueberry, raspberry, sea buckthorn and other berries with good nutrition and health care effects, with a planting area of 35,20 mu and an annual output value of nearly 100 billion yuan, and more than 30 small berry processing enterprises in the province, with an annual output value of nearly <> billion yuan, ranking first in China.

But with the increasing excitement of the "North-South Return Gift" and the gradual deepening of the "Specialty Survey", more and more netizens found that my hometown was also secretly producing good things from me!

Langde Goose Industry Poverty Alleviation Base in Liu Li Village, Huayuan Town, Huoqiu County. Photo courtesy of Huoqiu County Poverty Alleviation Office

For example, along with caviar and truffles, foie gras, which is one of the world's top three delicacies, can be found in Huoqiu County, Lu'an, Anhui Province.

Lu'an is very good at raising geese, and it is one of the origins and main production areas of the high-quality goose species of white goose in western Anhui. The white goose in western Anhui, which can eat meat and pick feathers, has brought the reputation of "the hometown of white geese" and "the capital of down" here. As a result, after raising geese for a long time, the local area began to upgrade its industry and introduced the world's famous foie gras special breed native to France - Lande goose.

Although the "crooked fruit goose" of the Lande goose is not "white hair floating in green water", nor is it "anthurium plucking clear waves", it is better than "liver". According to Jia Changze, deputy director of Lu'an Animal Husbandry Development Center, the city produces 3800,<> tons of Langde foie gras every year, accounting for more than <>% of the national foie gras production.

Lu'an foie gras, paired with Bozhou whisky and Suzhou vodka in Anhui, this is the real "It's not that Europe can't afford to go, but Anhui is more cost-effective." ”

Take a spoonful of matcha powder and sprinkle it in a cup, then add hot water, hold the tea whisk wrist and quickly whip until the cup surface foams, and a cup of matcha is made. When it comes to matcha, many people may first think of Japan, but the matcha food you eat all over the world is probably produced in Tongren, Guizhou.

Guizhou matcha has accounted for a quarter of China's total matcha production, Guizhou Fanjing Mountain, Tongren City, Jiangkou County, has the reputation of "China's matcha capital", has the world's largest matcha monomer workshop, known as the "world matcha super factory", can produce 10 tons of matcha per day, the annual output of more than 4000,<> tons, the products sell well at home and abroad.

Data map: Villagers harvest matcha tea green at the matcha planting base in Tihong Village, Minxiao Town, Jiangkou County. Photo by Li He

I thought it was an inland area, but it turned out to be a seafood production area

"I've lived for decades, I know mahjong, bean paste, and chili sauce, and you told me that there is caviar at home?" followed by Sichuan netizens.

In the world caviar production map, Sichuan Ya'an has sprung up in recent years: with an annual output of 50 tons of caviar, it is exported to more than 30 countries and regions, earning nearly 1140.50 million US dollars. Today, China produces more than <>% of caviar in the global market, and Sichuan has the second largest caviar production in the country.

According to reports, sturgeon is a cold-water fish with high requirements for water quality and temperature, and Ya'an's water quality ranks among the top in the country all year round. In addition, the ice and snow melt water drained from the high mountains of Tianquan County also provides a high-quality water source for sturgeon farming.

A caviar processing workshop in Tianquan County, Ya'an, Sichuan. Photo by Zhang Lang

What's even more shocking is the Gansu vannamei shrimp. In Gansu, which is said to be "one of the farthest places from the sea", "seafood" can also be produced.

In the fall of 2023, Gansu Baiyin and Zhangye ushered in a bumper harvest of giant river prawn and vannamei prawn. The factory farming of the "seafood land culture" model allows Penaeus vannamei shrimp to produce 6 stubbles per year, with an output of up to 2,<> catties per stubble, filling the "gap" in the circulating water shrimp farming market in alpine and high-altitude areas.

"I'm a native of Gansu, because I love shrimp, I went to Guangdong, but you tell me what is in Gansu?" The people of Gansu who never expected it sighed: "If you don't say it, I almost thought it was a new variety of artichoke." ”

In addition to Gansu, aquaculture in Xinjiang has also entered the public eye, with Australian freshwater lobster, giant river prawn, salmon, and large crab...... The only fly in the ointment is that "Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanghai and other 'remote areas' do not have free shipping"?

Data map: Yongle Village logo. Photo by Li Qiuying

I thought it was a neighbor's specialty, but it turned out to be my own production

"Mom, just say what else, say it and we have a bottom in our hearts. With the "special product survey" that has been opened in various places, everyone has gradually accepted that "I don't know myself".

"The treasure that is willing to put a few in a pot is actually grown in Shanghai?" In the early 80s of the last century, Shanghai began to introduce saffron. Relying on the cultivation of saffron, the villagers of Yongle Village in Chongming, Shanghai, have lived a happy life, and it has also become the "hometown of Chinese saffron". At present, the saffron planting area of the village exceeds 700 acres, with an annual output value of more than 2000,<> yuan.

Speaking of the most shining "local specialties", Henan came to fight with big diamonds. Zhecheng, a small county in the east of Henan, has the reputation of "diamond capital", it is understood that there are 128 diamond superhard materials and related supporting enterprises in the county, and the annual output and export volume of fine powder account for 90% and 85% of the national market share respectively, and the annual output of large single crystal and the export volume of lab-grown diamonds account for 60% of the country.

"The planting area is more than 10,60 mu, accounting for about 12% of the country, and the annual output of high-quality asparagus is <>,<> tons, making it the largest county in the country for white asparagus planting. This data makes Cao County, Heze City, Shandong Province, a veritable "hometown of Chinese asparagus".

"Our Ganoderma lucidum has a diameter of 1.1 meters and weighs more than 10 kilograms, and it spreads like a big umbrella!" Guanxian County, Liaocheng City, Shandong Province is an important Ganoderma lucidum production base in China, known as the "hometown of Ganoderma lucidum", and the output of Ganoderma lucidum accounts for more than <>% of the country's total output.

In fact, everyone says that "my hometown makes me strange", but in their hearts, "my hometown makes me proud".

The lively national specialty survey is still going on, do you still know what hidden specialties are in your hometown?