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"In 2024, the status of China's new energy vehicles in national development and the world will be further enhanced." At the media communication meeting of the China Electric Vehicle 2024 Forum (<>) held recently, Zhang Yongwei, vice chairman and secretary general of the China Electric Vehicle <> Association, shared the new characteristics of China's new energy vehicle industry.

"It is estimated that in 2024, the global sales of new energy vehicles will exceed 2000 million, and China will contribute 60% of global sales." Zhang Yongwei said that China has further become the "wind vane" of the global new energy vehicle industry. China's key technologies and production levels such as batteries, motors, and intelligent cockpits are world-leading, with an average driving range of more than 460 kilometers for pure electric passenger vehicles, and many new technologies have emerged and landed in China.

At the same time, China's new energy vehicle companies occupy an important market position, and the status of the new energy vehicle industry chain has been further improved. China is accelerating to become the center of the global automotive supply chain. Experts predict that in 2024, China's power battery and material shipments will still account for more than 50% of the world's total, and will accelerate the implementation through global cooperation and overseas production capacity layout.

In Zhang Yongwei's view, new energy vehicles have become a "new engine" to drive the high-quality development of the economy and industry. In 2023, the growth momentum of China's new energy vehicles will continue, and it will gradually enter the era of tens of millions, and industrial development will continue to drive investment and financing in infrastructure, auto parts, intelligent manufacturing and other fields.

"New energy vehicles integrate green energy, artificial intelligence, the Internet, big data and other transformative technologies, and have become an important carrier for the application of new technologies, and will give full play to the efficiency of green and low-carbon development." Zhang Yongwei said that it is expected that in 2024, the scale of new energy vehicles in China will be close to 3000 million, of which pure electric vehicles account for about 80%. From January to October 2023, the carbon emission reduction of new energy vehicles in China reached 1.10 million tons, and it is expected that the emission reduction of new energy vehicles in the country will exceed 6876 million tons in 2024.

It is worth noting that from January to November 2023, the production and sales of new energy vehicles in China increased by 1.11% and 34.5% year-on-year, continuing to maintain a global leading growth trend. In November 36, the production and sales of new energy vehicles in China exceeded the one million mark for the first time.

Liu Xiaoshi, executive deputy secretary general of the China Electric Vehicle 100 Association, believes that behind the data is a series of efforts of China's new energy vehicle industry to continuously consolidate the local industrial chain and supply chain system. China's new energy vehicle industry has accelerated the breakthrough of technical bottlenecks in high-tech fields such as operating systems, adhered to innovation, focused on high-quality development, accelerated the overseas strategic layout of the new energy vehicle industry chain, and continued to enhance the international influence of China's new energy vehicles.

"We are still far from the general requirements of the country's 'dual carbon' development." Liu Xiaoshi said that there are still a lot of challenges and topics to be solved in the new energy vehicle industry from technology to application, from transportation to energy, from cross-border to integration and other multi-level and multi-field.

(Source: Science and Technology Daily)